Awards Application Page

The deadline to submit completed applications is October 31, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Outstanding Alumni

Access the nomination form here

For the Awards Applications that follow.

You must create a username and password for each form you access. This step will allow you to work on the application and save it until you submit it. Once the application is submitted, you can no longer access it. 

Please redact all personal identifiers (in your summary responses and accompanying documentation), such as the college name, institutional CEO, and staff names, to ensure a fair, objective blind review. This requirement applies to any graphic images provided in newspapers, etc. Failure to completely redact information (names, states, etc.) may result in your application being disqualified from the blind review.

Leadership Award (Leadership Hall of Fame)

Access the nomination form here

Advancing Institutional Equity and Belonging

Access the nomination form here.

Community College Safety, Planning, and Leadership

Access the nomination form here

Exemplary CEO/Board Relationship 

Access the nomination form here

Faculty Innovation

Access the nomination form here

Outstanding College Corporate Partnership

Access the nomination form here. 

Student Success

Access the nomination form here

Rising Star - Manager

Access the nomination form here

Rising Star - Executive

Access the nomination form here

Faculty Member of the Year

Access the nomination form here

Trustee of the Year

Access the nomination form here

CEO of the Year

Access the nomination form here

Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty Recognition

Access the nomination form here

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