Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Location: Karl F Dean Grand Ballroom, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: Karl F Dean Grand Ballroom, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041412:0014:00 074 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
6:15 PM - 9:30 PM CDT
Location: Karl F Dean Grand Ballroom, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: Karl F Dean Grand Ballroom, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041518:1521:30 071 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Location: Karl F Dean Grand Ballroom, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: Karl F Dean Grand Ballroom, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041610:0012:00 077 | WED, APR 16 | |||
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Location: Karl F Dean Grand Ballroom, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: Karl F Dean Grand Ballroom, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041316:3018:00 068 | SUN, APR 13 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Location: Legends Ballroom B, Omni Nashville |
Location: Legends Ballroom B, Omni Nashville |
2025041208:0011:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Location: Music Row 3, Omni Nashville |
Location: Music Row 3, Omni Nashville |
2025041214:0017:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Location: Legends Ballroom F, Omni Nashville |
Location: Legends Ballroom F, Omni Nashville |
2025041208:0011:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Unlocking Opportunity: Strategies to Strengthen Credential Value
Unlocking Opportunity is a new reform project of the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program, the Community College Research Center, and ten community colleges; each has set goals to increase the number of students enrolled in and graduating from “high value” program pathways. Over the past two years, we have uncovered new insights on improving post-graduation outcomes for community college students by ensuring that more students are on pathways that lead to living-wage jobs or efficient transfer and bachelor’s completion. This session will highlight strategies for strengthening post-graduation student outcomes by exploring eight scalable reforms from the Unlocking Opportunity network. Presenters will reflect on how these strategies have helped reinforce and diversify enrollment and completion of high-value workforce and transfer programs, challenges faced during implementation, and what advice they would provide other colleges seeking to improve their program enrollments and outcomes. This information will enable attendees to consider how they might implement similar strategies at their institution. Speaker(s): Joshua Wyner Leigh B. Goodson Davis JenkinsLocation: 105B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 105B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 000 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
Location: Broadway Ballroom K, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom K, Omni Nashville |
2025041417:3019:30 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
Transforming Transfer: The Transfer Playbook 2.0 Framework for Sustainable Success
The Transfer Playbook 2.0 offers a comprehensive framework to address the persistent challenges of transfer student success, particularly for students of color and low-income students. This session will explore the three pillars of Aspen’s and CCRC’s research into how community colleges achieve high and equitable levels of student success in transfer: (1) making transfer a presidential priority, (2) aligning program pathways and high-quality instruction to the goal of transfer student success, and (3) tailoring advising and support services to foster trust and engagement. Presenters will provide practical insights into institutional changes that can significantly improve bachelor’s attainment rates, and attendees will be left with actionable steps to transform their institutions’ transfer success strategies. Speaker(s): Joshua Wyner Jim Murdaugh Davis JenkinsLocation: 203A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 203A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:00 000 | TUE, APR 15 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Location: 211, Music City Center |
Location: 211, Music City Center |
2025041409:0017:00 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Location: 211, Music City Center |
Location: 211, Music City Center |
2025041509:0016:00 000 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
Scaling for Results: Leveraging Shortened Academic Terms for Student Success
This session will explore the benefits, challenges, and proven strategies for implementing shortened academic terms (SATs) to enhance student retention, engagement, and completion. Participants will gain insights into ATD’s expertise and resources and practical examples of institutional successes in scaling these terms. The conversation will highlight partnerships, including ATD’s collaboration with Ascendium Education Group, which supports institutions in integrating accelerated terms into their academic models. Session attendees will leave with actionable ideas for designing and scaling shortened terms to better serve today’s diverse student body. Speaker(s): Monica Trent Janice HicksLocation: 110B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 110B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:00 000 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Guided Pathways Lab: An Interactive Website Testing Session
Join us for a one-on-one user experience testing lab where you’ll interact with the new iteration Guided Pathways website, a platform created to support higher ed leaders in implementing and assessing guided pathways initiatives. This session is designed for higher education leaders to evaluate the site’s usability, accessibility, and overall user experience, ensuring it effectively meets the diverse needs of your institutions. Facilitated by the Education Design Lab, participants will engage in interactive usability exercises that gather critical insights into navigation, content clarity, and functionality. Your feedback will play a key role in refining the platform to enhance relevance, usability, and ease of access for all users.
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041415:3016:00 000 | MON, APR 14 |
CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM CDT
Guided Pathways Lab: An Interactive Website Testing Session
Join us for a one-on-one user experience testing lab where you’ll interact with the new iteration Guided Pathways website, a platform created to support higher ed leaders in implementing and assessing guided pathways initiatives. This session is designed for higher education leaders to evaluate the site’s usability, accessibility, and overall user experience, ensuring it effectively meets the diverse needs of your institutions. Facilitated by the Education Design Lab, participants will engage in interactive usability exercises that gather critical insights into navigation, content clarity, and functionality. Your feedback will play a key role in refining the platform to enhance relevance, usability, and ease of access for all users.
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:30 000 | MON, APR 14 |
CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM CDT
Guided Pathways Lab: An Interactive Website Testing Session
Join us for a one-on-one user experience testing lab where you’ll interact with the new iteration Guided Pathways website, a platform created to support higher ed leaders in implementing and assessing guided pathways initiatives. This session is designed for higher education leaders to evaluate the site’s usability, accessibility, and overall user experience, ensuring it effectively meets the diverse needs of your institutions. Facilitated by the Education Design Lab, participants will engage in interactive usability exercises that gather critical insights into navigation, content clarity, and functionality. Your feedback will play a key role in refining the platform to enhance relevance, usability, and ease of access for all users.
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041508:4509:15 000 | TUE, APR 15 |
CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
Guided Pathways Lab: An Interactive Website Testing Session
Join us for a one-on-one user experience testing lab where you’ll interact with the new iteration Guided Pathways website, a platform created to support higher ed leaders in implementing and assessing guided pathways initiatives. This session is designed for higher education leaders to evaluate the site’s usability, accessibility, and overall user experience, ensuring it effectively meets the diverse needs of your institutions. Facilitated by the Education Design Lab, participants will engage in interactive usability exercises that gather critical insights into navigation, content clarity, and functionality. Your feedback will play a key role in refining the platform to enhance relevance, usability, and ease of access for all users.
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:00 000 | TUE, APR 15 |
CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Guided Pathways Lab: An Interactive Website Testing Session
Join us for a one-on-one user experience testing lab where you’ll interact with the new iteration Guided Pathways website, a platform created to support higher ed leaders in implementing and assessing guided pathways initiatives. This session is designed for higher education leaders to evaluate the site’s usability, accessibility, and overall user experience, ensuring it effectively meets the diverse needs of your institutions. Facilitated by the Education Design Lab, participants will engage in interactive usability exercises that gather critical insights into navigation, content clarity, and functionality. Your feedback will play a key role in refining the platform to enhance relevance, usability, and ease of access for all users.
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041515:3016:00 000 | TUE, APR 15 |
CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Stronger Community College Finance as a Lever for Student Success
This session is designed to engage audience members in considering both the challenges and the opportunities inherent in moving towards more adequate, equitable and effective community college funding. It will also provide an opportunity for audience members to explore how specific contextual factors in their states might affect such efforts. Specifically, the session will consider the following themes: What are the opportunities and challenges to equitable community college finance and student outcomes? What does it really cost to support students through credential attainment? How can categorical funding allocations contribute to more equitable student outcomes? Researchers from HCM and CCRC will give short, Ted-talk-style presentations. A representative from the Tennessee Board of Regents will provide reactions and contextualize these findings presentations within Tennessee's funding landscape. Then, attendees will break into small groups to explore issues and questions raised by the panelists and finally reconvene to share their enhanced understanding through a facilitated discussion. Speaker(s): Stephanie Murphy Nikki Edgecombe Russ DeatonLocation: 206A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 206A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 000 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
Implementing a Co-Curricular Transcript for your Campus
Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) received a grant from the Lumina Foundation, with the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), to develop a comprehensive Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT). The grant created a CCT application that interfaced with our student information system based on PeopleSoft. This application can be replicated at little to no cost. The application captures all the co-curricular activities completed by students, as reported by the program facilitators. Students never need to input any information or request verification from staff or faculty. All faculty, students, and staff can view unofficial records through the college portal, while students may request officially sealed and signed copies of the CCT. This workshop will briefly outline that experience and detail the steps any campus can take to create partnerships among the Registrar, Student Affairs, and the IT department to implement this document for students. Students have used the CCT to apply for scholarships, transfer to senior colleges, and obtain employment.
Speaker(s): Marva Craig Harry MarsLocation: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041410:0010:30 001 | MON, APR 14 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Adjusting teaching strategies to meet students where they dream
In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, it’s essential to align our teaching strategies with our students' aspirations and dreams. This interactive session will explore innovative approaches to engaging and inspiring learners by acknowledging their unique goals and passions. Participants will learn to adapt traditional teaching methods to create a more inclusive and motivating classroom environment. We will discuss practical strategies for incorporating student interests into lesson plans, fostering a growth mindset, and leveraging technology to enhance personalized learning experiences. Through collaborative activities and real-world examples, attendees will be equipped with actionable tools to empower students and help them connect their academic journey with their future dreams. Join us to reimagine your teaching approach and ignite the potential in every student!
Speaker(s): Princess King Raymond HarrodLocation: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Building a Culture of Equity at Your Institution
Creating a culture of equity in higher education requires intentional action, systemic change, and visionary leadership. The Equity Avengers are at the forefront of this movement. Drawing from their collective experiences in leading equity-driven transformation, this session will explore practical strategies for fostering an inclusive and equitable institutional culture. The session will begin by illustrating the current state of racial equity in higher education and the barriers that prevent actual progress. The Equity Avengers will share their collective and individual experiences, highlighting successful strategies implemented across their institutions and their impact on student outcomes. Participants will then break into small groups to focus on different aspects of equity-building, such as leadership accountability, faculty development, student engagement, and policy reform. After group discussions, participants will reconvene to share insights and explore collective solutions in a facilitated discussion.
Speaker(s): Tammeil GilkersonLocation: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Building Bridges: Transforming Atlantic City’s Inlet Neighborhood
The Inlet neighborhood in Atlantic City has faced significant economic and resource-related challenges, prompting Atlantic Cape Community College to launch a transformative project focused on revitalization through collaborative partnerships. This presentation will explore a comprehensive six-part strategy that includes housing development, economic revitalization, and workforce training. Participants will learn about the funding strategies and collaborative efforts that engage stakeholders to empower residents toward economic self-sufficiency through education and training. The workshop format will feature informative lectures, interactive discussions, and case studies, making the content engaging and accessible. Designed for community leaders, educators, and policymakers, the program aims to provide practical strategies for community transformation and share success stories, emphasizing actionable recommendations suitable for participants at various experience levels.
Speaker(s): Natalie DevonishLocation: 202A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Building Equity through Assessment in Student Affairs
The 2021 letter from the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) underscored a critical imperative: the continued enhancement of our institution's culture of assessment, with a specific focus on assessing student support services. The letter highlighted a concerning stagnation in our assessment practices over the past decade following the last comprehensive evaluation. Additionally, the letter emphasized the necessity of implementing an equity plan for the college. In response to these directives, our institution has initiated efforts to create a culture of assessing student support programs by setting equity goals for each program and aligning them with the college's strategic plan. In this presentation, we aim to delve into these initiatives, spotlighting equity within the context of student affairs and assessment. We will discuss foundational principles of assessment that support equity and inclusion and share assessment methods that can be utilized to assess equity-related outcomes. Moreover, we will provide concrete examples of how data-driven decision-making can inform equitable practices and interventions. Our session will also outline the principles employed in developing this new assessment system, unveiling new disaggregated student outcome dashboards designed to offer comprehensive insights. Speaker(s): Veena Dhankher Renee TastadLocation: 202B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Building Leaders from Within: Workforce Development Begins at Home
Implementing an effective leadership program for employees is one of the most important ways to build and retain your college’s workforce needs. In this session, learn more about how the College of Southern Maryland executive leaders came together with an executive coaching firm to develop a successful Leadership Academy. This session will describe the collaborative steps the College of Southern Maryland’s (CSM) leaders took to provide the support and funding for an effective leadership development program. The session will also present the key elements needed when identifying and partnering with an executive coaching firm to develop a successful college leadership development program, including individualized executive coaching and 360-degree feedback evaluations. Attendees can hear from key partners of and actual participants in CSM’s Leadership Academy. This session will outline several tools, resources, and components of a successfully executed leadership development program. Lastly, the College of Southern Maryland will share successes, challenges, lessons learned, and next steps to help executive leaders better prepare as they embark on building a successful leadership development program.
Speaker(s): Yolanda Wilson Trenace RichardsonLocation: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041608:4509:45 001 | WED, APR 16 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Building Stronger Teaching Pipelines: Workforce Success Strategies
The Miami Dade College (MDC) School of Education has been at the forefront of developing innovative teaching pipelines to address the growing need for qualified educators. The presentation will provide an in-depth look at the MDC School of Education's initiatives, including the Teacher Apprenticeship Baccalaureate Program, the Teacher Candidate Residency Program, the Teaching Academy Dual Enrollment Program, and the Educator Preparation Institute + English for Academic Purposes Program (EPI+EAP). Attendees will gain insights into these programs' development, launch, and implementation and the strategic partnerships formed with Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Achieve Miami’s Teacher Accelerator Program, and Pace Center for Girls. The presentation will be structured into several segments, each focusing on a specific aspect of the teaching pipeline. It will include a mix of information sharing and interactive discussions to understand each program comprehensively. Participants can engage with the presenters, ask questions, and share their experiences.
Speaker(s): Carmen Concepcion Christina Ondaro Iris StrachanLocation: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
College’s Role in Apprenticeships: Increasing CTE Offerings
The Miami Dade College Apprenticeship Program features 22 registered programs and collaborates with over 40 employer partners, providing a robust framework for expanding student career and technical education (CTE) opportunities. This session will illuminate how colleges can enhance student learning and job placement by integrating apprenticeship opportunities into their traditional curricula, allowing students to earn college credits that are stackable toward an associate degree. Educators will discover strategies to position themselves as intermediaries to scale apprenticeship initiatives by serving as providers of Related Technical Instruction (RTI) for employers. The format will include a dynamic visual and audio presentation, highlighting success stories and testimonials from apprentices and business partners. The interactive presentation will engage attendees through audience polls, open discussions, and a Q&A session, catering to individuals with varying levels of knowledge on apprenticeship programs—from beginners to advanced practitioners. Speaker(s): Alexia RolleLocation: 204, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 204, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Community Relations as a Path for Building Resilience
Presenters will discuss the significant returns on Harper College's investment in community relations, resulting in increased awareness, youth engagement, and robust partnerships with over 40 local schools and 25 supporting organizations. The session will provide an overview of community initiatives, showcasing outcomes backed by data, program statistics, and compelling testimonials from students and partners. Attendees will engage in interactive activities, including case studies and group discussions, to explore implementing similar strategies on their campuses. With a strong emphasis on fostering connections, Harper College's strategic plan lays out goals for enhancing community engagement and expanding outreach, leading to notable successes such as engaging 28,000 young students through campus tours and a partnership with Faith Feeds Mobile Pantry that connected over 5,700 families to college resources. Recent assessments demonstrate a significant rise in community awareness and support for the college, illustrating the fruitful impact of these outreach efforts.
Speaker(s): Avis Proctor Jeffrey Julian Amie GrangerLocation: 109, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 109, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Creative Collaboration: Fast-Tracking and Sustaining Success
This session will examine Mott Community College's collaboration with Consumers Energy to establish an accelerated Electric Lineworker Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program within six months, addressing the regional demand for skilled lineworkers while ensuring credible and flexible learning outcomes. Participants will learn how to quickly develop innovative partnerships to launch sustainable workforce programs for students and businesses. The presentation will outline the origins of the partnership, curriculum co-development, accelerated training timelines, and the support systems that led to a 95% completion rate and over 90% job placement for graduates. Utilizing a Think Tank format, attendees will engage in small group discussions to tackle challenges related to industry-aligned program development, quality assurance, and funding. This interactive approach will equip participants with practical strategies to forge industry partnerships, implement programs efficiently, and enhance student success in response to real-time industry needs.
Speaker(s): Marcus Matthews Kathleen LaVallier Autumn ScherzerLocation: 103B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Data-Driven Excellence: Rethinking Faculty Evaluations
This presentation will equip participants with essential skills to enhance faculty evaluation processes through a data-driven approach. Attendees will understand the rationale behind this methodology, recognizing the limitations of traditional evaluation methods. They will learn about a collaborative framework that engages faculty, administrators, and technical teams in revamping evaluation practices, emphasizing best teamwork strategies. Additionally, participants will explore innovative business intelligence tools and reports that facilitate the assessment of faculty performance metrics and how to analyze student demographics to tailor teaching strategies for diverse learner needs. Finally, the session will develop actionable plans to implement continuous improvement strategies that leverage data, fostering a culture of accountability and professional development within their institutions.
Speaker(s): Jonathan Woodward Adam SwansonLocation: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041608:4509:45 001 | WED, APR 16 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
EduFusion: Integrating Grants, Values & Outcomes for Success"
In response to the evolving challenges of higher education, Northeastern Technical College (NETC) is implementing an innovative strategy called "EduFusion," which integrates various grant programs, College-Wide Learning Outcomes (CWLOs), and institutional Core Values to enhance student development and community engagement. This presentation will explore how NETC utilizes the Process of Education Chart as a roadmap through the 21 phases of the student journey, aligning resources like the SCC3 Grant, NSF-ATE TEAM Project, and CARES Title III Grant to provide tailored support services. Attendees will learn how each grant corresponds with CWLOs such as Critical Thinking, Communication, and Social Responsibility, all while embedding NETC’s Core Values—Innovation, Quality Focus, Positive Attitude, Collaboration, and Accountability—into these initiatives. Designed for higher education professionals, the session will combine lectures, interactive discussions, and real-world case studies to illustrate best practices for integrating educational resources and values to drive institutional excellence and student success. Speaker(s): Derk Riechers Kyle WagnerLocation: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4C8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Embedding Inclusivity through Organizational Transformation
In 2022, Front Range Community College's incoming President began the work of uniting the college's three autonomous campuses through the streamlined and future-ready "One College" model. Amidst this transformation, the President charged staff with devising a plan to embed accountability to values and principles that support underrepresented groups within every facet of the new organizational structure. This approach is a direct response to a growing consensus in higher education that status-quo approaches to supporting underrepresented populations are largely outdated and ineffective, particularly amidst a rocky and uncertain political landscape. In this workshop, presenters reflect on leveraging this moment of significant organizational transformation to rethink previous approaches to supporting underrepresented students. After sharing key strategies they have used to garner support from stakeholders across the college, presenters recount insights they have gained and provide prompts for small-group discussion. Finally, presenters guide participants in a conversation about enlisting the support of key influencers to drive transformational change in service of underrepresented groups. This session is appropriate for advocates of all experience levels and all roles.
Speaker(s): Colleen Simpson Krishna Pattisapu Harris ArmstrongLocation: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Enhancing Enrollment Through Collaborative Technology
In an ever-changing higher education landscape, community colleges face challenges in engaging and enrolling prospective students, particularly first-generation, nontraditional, and underrepresented learners. This session will explore how Kansas City Kansas Community College (KCKCC) partnered with CLARUS - A Carnegie Company and Onward (a division of Archer Education) to reimagine the student journey through strategic use of marketing, technology, behavioral psychology, and personalized digital experiences. Together, KCKCC achieved measurable accomplishments. Through this process, KCKCC developed a model to measure the return on investment for the student engagement strategy from acquiring inquiries through enrollment in collaboration with Archer and CLARUS. This case study will explore how Kansas City Kansas Community College worked with Clarus and Onward to create a robust pre-application process in enrollment management. The presentation focuses on best practices in the pre-application stage of the enrollment process. Attendees will learn how KCKCC, with the collaboration of these partners, developed a full-funnel enrollment strategy to engage students at every stage of their journey—from clicking the advertisement to initial inquiry through the application. Using CLARUS’s marketing campaigns and the Onward Captivate platform, KCKCC streamlined its marketing strategy, pre-application processes, and improved down-funnel metrics by nurturing students to ensure they moved confidently through the enrollment pipeline.
Speaker(s): Pope Mobley Kris Green Brian MesserLocation: 203A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 203A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Enhancing Student Success Through Collaborative Leadership
This presentation will examine how collaboration between Directors of Advising and Directors of High School Programs can significantly enhance student success as they transition from dual credit high school courses to post-secondary education. By focusing on the development of cohesive support systems that integrate dual credit engagement with academic advising strategies, the session aims to facilitate a seamless transition for students. It will feature informative presentations, real-world case studies, and interactive group discussions, allowing attendees to identify barriers and brainstorm solutions for stronger cross-departmental collaboration. Designed for education professionals involved in high school and post-secondary program development, the structured content will provide an overview of current challenges, successful partnership strategies, improved outcomes through case studies, and actionable recommendations for implementation at their institutions, ultimately equipping attendees with the knowledge and tools needed to foster collaboration and enhance student success in higher education.
Speaker(s): Sonia Jasso Michael XimenezLocation: 102A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 102A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Essential Advocacy Skills for Community College Leaders
Public policy advocacy is a vital skill for community college CEOs and executives, highlighted as one of AACC's Core Competencies for Community College Leaders; however, many leaders feel hesitant or uncertain about how to actively engage in advocacy, particularly those who have not previously held advocacy roles. In this session, experienced community college CEOs who prioritize advocacy will share their insights on advocating for their institutions and the broader community college sector at both state and federal levels. They will discuss strategies for building and maintaining relationships with legislators, convey effective messaging, and outline different advocacy approaches for federal and state engagement. Following the panelists' remarks, attendees will participate in small group discussions to share their advocacy experiences and challenges, culminating in a summary of insights from each group to enrich the overall session for all participants.
Speaker(s): David Baime L. Dean Fisher Lisa AveryLocation: 103A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Finding Answers: Solving STEM+M Inequalities in Marginalized Areas
This interactive session will foster open discussion and self-reflective activities using Nearpod and other technologies, allowing participants to engage in small groups organized by a multi-generational model to develop strategies for engaging marginalized communities in STEM+M disciplines to promote academic success and job placement. Despite the increasing racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S., educational and workforce systems do not adequately reflect this change, leaving many from minoritized communities at a disadvantage (Thomas, 2020). This session will emphasize the necessity of STEM+M programming for the socio-economic sustainability of individuals, communities, and the nation while addressing the lack of awareness and resources in these fields. Participants will strategize on best practices to support multi-generational success in academia and the workforce by discussing the importance of diversifying the STEM+M workforce, reinforcing the need to expose marginalized communities to career opportunities, and advocating for a holistic approach to equip students with the tools they need for educational and financial success. Speaker(s): Juel Smith Bilita McIntoshLocation: 202A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041608:4509:45 001 | WED, APR 16 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4C8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Futures Thinking: Preparing Community Colleges for 2040 and Beyond
In an era of rapid change and uncertainty, community colleges must proactively anticipate and adapt to future challenges and opportunities, and this session will delve into the importance of futures thinking in the evolution of higher education. Participants will work in small groups using a futures thinking framework to explore various scenarios and outcomes affecting community colleges by 2040, including facility trends, technology, pedagogy, student demographics, workforce needs, and funding sources. Following their discussions, attendees will reconvene to share insights and engage in a facilitated dialogue to collaboratively identify strategies for implementing futures thinking within their institutions. This session aims to enhance participants' understanding of how futures thinking can inform decision-making and planning, enabling community colleges to remain agile and forward-looking as they work towards a collectively preferred future.
Speaker(s): Amy Diaz Tiffany Hernandez Elizabeth CsikarLocation: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Grassroots innovation through competitive Board funding
This presentation will engage the audience through a question-and-answer format, providing an overview of the strategic plan grants at SUNY Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC) and facilitating dialogue about key insights learned from the process. The session will explore the pivotal roles of the Board, leadership, and governance in fostering equity and access, supporting genuine innovation rather than just "pet projects," and transitioning from seed money to operational funding for successful initiatives. Aimed at community college leaders interested in comprehensive approaches to innovation, the presentation will discuss how FLCC’s Board of Trustees designated funds in 2014 to implement its strategic plan through a competitive grant process, allowing the campus to engage in strategic initiatives and develop capacity for data-driven decision-making. Attendees will learn about the funding mechanisms and collaborative grantmaking processes that have shaped successful and unsuccessful innovations over the past decade.
Speaker(s): Debora Ortloff Robert NyeLocation: 204, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 204, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041608:4509:45 001 | WED, APR 16 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
High Impact Faculty Professional Learning for Student Success
This session engages participants in discussing best practices in community college faculty professional learning (i.e., faculty development). Leveraging examples of successful programs at Howard Community College and grounded in nationally recognized design principles, we will consider how to engage faculty in meaningful, sustained professional learning experiences that build community, improve teaching practice, and positively impact student learning. This presentation examines the impact of faculty development on teaching practice, utilizing data from Howard Community College’s professional development certification course, “Teach Online at HCC.” A sample of 252 faculty members participated, providing detailed feedback on various aspects of the course and instructor effectiveness. The findings reveal significant improvements in teaching practices and student learning experiences due to the faculty development program. Key outcomes include enhanced instructor presence and engagement, improved teaching practices by applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, and positive student perceptions of instructor knowledge and support.
Speaker(s): Jonathan Iuzzini Maureen MartinLocation: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041608:4509:45 001 | WED, APR 16 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
How Co-op Ed Provides Students with Tools & Confidence for Success
Cincinnati State has emphasized cooperative education as its foundational educational model for over 50 years, and this session will highlight how co-op education links classroom learning with real-world workplace experiences for students. Presenters will discuss how continuous employer feedback helps academic program faculty adapt curricula to meet industry needs better and demonstrate how assessments from co-op employers regarding students' general and technical competencies benefit individual students while also serving as valuable data for learning outcome assessments required for accreditation. By forming partnerships with employers to create paid cooperative education experiences within technical programs, community, and technical colleges can enhance employment outcomes for graduates and establish a continuous feedback loop that ensures program relevance and rigor.
Speaker(s): Robbin Hoopes Doug BowlingLocation: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Incorporating Student Voices in Planning: Add to the Harmony
Incorporating student voices into short-term and strategic planning is crucial for creating a responsive and inclusive community college environment. By implementing deliberate strategies to include student voices, community colleges can incorporate student perspectives to enhance operations, leading to more effective and inclusive decision-making. Carroll Community College has integrated student feedback into both strategic and operational (annual) objectives and has seen positive impacts on student satisfaction and success. Join us to explore how student voices harmonize and set the rhythm for student success and drive meaningful change in community colleges. The presenters will share how their college has successfully utilized student input and participation in both short-term and long-term planning, resulting in a stronger positive campus culture. The presenters will introduce an assessment rubric that captures the effect on student belonging, persistence, and retention. Attendees will break into small groups to share successful strategies from their own campuses and brainstorm innovative ways to encourage student participation. Groups will use the rubric to evaluate and analyze the return on investment from using student voices in their planning. Groups will be organized based on college size and focus.
Speaker(s): Rosalie Mince Kristie CrumleyLocation: 202A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Leading Change: The President and Inclusivity Officer in Rural Colleges
This presentation explores the vital partnership between college presidents and inclusivity officers in rural community colleges, emphasizing their collaborative role in fostering inclusive environments. As higher education faces evolving societal and legislative pressures, effective leadership for belonging and engagement becomes essential for creating equitable opportunities for all students. By sharing real-life case studies, data, and statistics and engaging in hands-on activities, participants will gain practical insights into the initiatives designed to eliminate barriers to student success. In 2025, as community colleges strive to address diverse student needs and enhance retention, this focus on inclusive leadership is crucial for building resilient institutions that reflect the values of equity and social justice.
Speaker(s): Kevin Christian Nerita Hughes Amy ReddingerLocation: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Leading with Care: How Mental Health Impacts Academic Success
In 2023, the White House recognized a significant mental health crisis impacting individuals of all ages, especially college students, with rising rates of depression and anxiety among this population. In response, the Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE) developed the Mental Health and Well-Being Special Focus Module, collecting data from over 61,000 students across 149 community colleges in spring and nearly 14,000 more in fall to inform a national report that includes Hudson County Community College’s mental health support efforts. Victoria College will discuss its Counseling Center Without Walls program, featuring a full-time therapist supervising graduate interns to assist students. The presentation will highlight CCCSE's findings on mental health prevalence and academic impact, introduce five key questions colleges should consider to enhance student well-being and promote an engaging discussion on improving mental health support and awareness in community colleges.
Speaker(s): Linda Garcia Christopher Reber Marisa PierceLocation: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041608:4509:45 001 | WED, APR 16 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Off Key: Re-Tuning College Culture for Student Success
In this session, Mercer County Community College leaders will guide participants through a discussion on transforming negative cultures within struggling colleges—cultures characterized by burnout, low morale, distrust, apathy, and toxic behavior, which impact employee satisfaction and student success. Attendees will share strategies that have worked or failed at their institutions, fostering a collaborative environment where leaders can learn from one another. By the end of the session, participants will recognize that while negative culture is common, it is also manageable, leaving them with valuable insights and practical ideas to implement for positive change at their institutions.
Speaker(s): Deborah PrestonLocation: 110B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 110B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Perimenopause—Why Are We Not Talking About it?
Approximately 50% of the population experiences perimenopause, and for many of these individuals—colleagues and leaders alike—this natural process brings physical and emotional symptoms that can disrupt workplace performance for years. A 2023 Korn Ferry survey of over 8,000 women found that 47% experienced symptoms affecting their work, with the majority feeling unsupported by their organizations around their perimenopausal needs. Symptoms like hormone fluctuations, hot flashes, and brain fog can hinder productivity and negatively impact career progression, absenteeism, and turnover, particularly among senior leadership. Unfortunately, many individuals are unaware of whom to approach about these issues, and few institutions have developed inclusive policies to address them. The personal stories of post-secondary leaders navigating these challenges will highlight the real-life implications of this aging process in the workplace.
Speaker(s): Aliesha Crowe Kristen RaneyLocation: 202B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Rung to Rung: Wake Tech’s Laddering Strategies for Biotechnology
Wake Tech is addressing community challenges related to economic mobility within one of the nation’s largest technology hubs through targeted laddering strategies that connect various programs and organizational structures to enhance career advancement opportunities. In this presentation, attendees will explore their programs emphasizing economic mobility, gain insights into the definition and data surrounding this concept, and learn how strategic connections between college programs can bolster community economic mobility. Additionally, participants will see a real-life example of successful programming in the biotechnology sector, allowing them to reflect on how these strategies can be applied within their institutions.
Speaker(s): R. Scott Ralls Leslie Isenhour Trish LoveringLocation: 204, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 204, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Rural Revival: Post-Pandemic Enrollment Solutions
Rural community colleges can enhance enrollment by partnering with local high schools to offer college courses for students still completing their secondary education. This session will review post-COVID enrollment challenges and socio-economic factors affecting these colleges, followed by an in-depth look at successful dual enrollment and justice-impacted programs from two rural institutions. Participants will engage in breakout sessions to share insights, discuss implementation challenges, and brainstorm tailored solutions. The session will conclude with practical recommendations, strategies for measuring success, and policy considerations for scaling these initiatives regionally, ultimately aiming to increase access and educational attainment in underserved areas.
Speaker(s): Tawny Dotson Jeremy Brown Carla TweedLocation: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Scaling New Models for New Majority Learners
Pima Community College is at a pivotal moment in higher education, actively developing innovative models to upskill the current workforce and build the future workforce. Presenters will highlight PCC's efforts to transform traditional higher education approaches, focusing on equitable access to sustainable careers through innovative educational design and delivery. To better serve New Majority Learners—such as adults balancing work and parenting—PCC is implementing accelerated models that break curricula into stackable credentials, making higher education more accessible. Achieving these goals necessitates a comprehensive, college-wide strategy that integrates these new models into the institution's overall structure and funding mechanisms.
Speaker(s): Amanda Abens Laurie Kierstead-Joseph Jeffrey NasseLocation: 203A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 203A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Strategies for inclusive course design and implementation
Delivering high-quality foundational courses is crucial for community colleges, as these courses serve as gateways to more specialized programs but often face significant challenges due to diverse student populations and inconsistencies in course delivery across sections. At Salt Lake Community College’s Science, Math, and Engineering school, historical issues of high failure rates and equity gaps in foundational math and biology courses prompted a redesign to enhance student outcomes and create a more inclusive educational experience. This presentation will outline the techniques employed in the redesign, discuss obstacles encountered and strategies for implementation across multiple sections, and showcase data demonstrating improved outcomes and reduced achievement gaps. Attendees will be able to identify foundational courses needing improvement, share challenges, and brainstorm actionable strategies in breakout sessions, followed by a more extensive group discussion to share insights and learn from each other’s experiences.
Speaker(s): Melissa Hardy Craig Caldwell Rachel MarcialLocation: 110A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 110A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Strategy/Implementation Plan for a Co-requisite Education Model
This presentation will explore the proposal and implementation of a corequisite education model for Math and English in community colleges, focusing on organizing people and processes, managing projects, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders. Key topics include addressing complex pathways, coordinating faculty efforts, and maintaining a balance between buy-in and productive discomfort, all while emphasizing the iterative nature of the process. Attendees will learn to navigate implementation challenges and create a collaborative environment during organizational change. Participants can expect to take away best practices for developing strategic plans for the corequisite model, innovative communication strategies for engaging constituents, essential do’s and don’ts for planning and implementation, essential institutional supports for scaling the model, and current literature on its efficacy and underlying ideologies.
Speaker(s): Toni Muhammad Sylvia Lee Uzzie CannonLocation: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Supporting Neurodiverse Learners for College Success
This interactive session aims to tackle the unique challenges neurodiverse learners face when transitioning to college-level coursework, prioritizing inclusive education practices. Participants will explore practical strategies to enhance academic success, focusing on differentiated instruction through integrating embedded and connected tutors in both face-to-face and online environments. Discussions will center on personalized learning plans, accommodations, and adaptive teaching methods tailored to support neurodiverse students. Moreover, the session will highlight strategies for creating a positive and inclusive classroom atmosphere, ensuring that neurodiverse learners feel valued and empowered in their educational journeys. Speaker(s): Margie Kerbel Robin EckertLocation: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
The Food Pantry as An Effective Retention and Completion Resource
Longitudinal data reveal a troubling reality, with 30-40% of U.S. community college students experiencing food insecurity, which negatively impacts their academic performance, GPA, attendance, and graduation rates. This issue is often linked not to academic ability but to insufficient financial resources and inequitable access to food, compounded by rising food costs. Many students face the tough decision of prioritizing college while needing to work multiple jobs, often sacrificing their academic focus. In response, campus food pantries nationwide have taken significant measures to alleviate student hunger, recognizing both the ethical obligation and the resulting benefits of improved retention and completion rates. This session will highlight how the SUNY Schenectady Food Pantry has adapted to meet the growing demand, detailing its additional support to foster student engagement and build a community of care. Data comparing Food Pantry visitors' retention and completion rates to the broader student body will be shared, followed by small group discussions on how attendees' campuses tackle student hunger, including the resources, challenges, and successes they encounter.
Speaker(s): Robyn KingLocation: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
The Ultimate Playbook: How to Up Your Transfer Game
Community college students face numerous options when selecting transfer institutions, leading to fierce competition among universities. In 2022, the Maricopa Community Colleges reformed its university partner model to navigate this landscape better and identify leading transfer institutions. This session will delve into the key elements of the revamped transfer playbook, including an enhanced application process, updated partnership rubric, and new implementation strategies designed to help students fulfill their educational goals. Attendees will gain insights into the advantages of a structured university partner model, explore its various components—including baseline criteria, evaluation rubrics, action plans, and implementation strategies—and learn how to apply these findings and frameworks to improve their own institutions’ transfer practices and partnerships, effectively delivering a TKO (technical knockout) to traditional approaches in academic collaboration.
Speaker(s): Kimberlyn Dugan Rose RojasLocation: 201A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 201A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 |
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Transforming Faculty Roles: AI as a Partner in Teaching
This presentation explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on higher education and the evolving role of faculty within this context. It highlights how AI tools can enhance teaching and learning by automating routine tasks, facilitating personalized learning experiences, and promoting creative, mentorship-driven interactions between students and instructors. Attendees will learn about practical applications of AI, such as personalized learning, automated assessment, and real-time feedback, while also considering the ethical implications of these tools to ensure a human-centered education. The session includes an overview of AI advancements, an exploration of specific applications, case studies, an ethics discussion, an interactive activity for small group discussions on AI in teaching practices, and a conclusion with Q&A. Designed for faculty, educators, and academic leaders at beginner to intermediate levels of AI familiarity, this session aims to provide both foundational knowledge and advanced strategies for implementing AI in education.
Speaker(s): Steve Parscale Kristina CollinsLocation: 202B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041608:4509:45 001 | WED, APR 16 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Transforming Lives Through a Culture of Care
The college is committed to becoming a more just institution by examining practices and systems that create barriers for students, particularly those from historically marginalized backgrounds. As part of redesigning student support, the focus has shifted to addressing students' basic needs and transforming policies and communications to prioritize holistic support. This session will discuss the processes and changes implemented to foster a culture that prioritizes students and meets them where they are. Topics will include enhancements to basic needs services, mental health support, onboarding, and more. Speaker(s): Alketa WojcikLocation: 203A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 203A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Two’s Company, Third-Party’s a Crowd: Custom Course Creation
This session addresses the increasing need for educators to move away from expensive, inflexible third-party tools and textbooks by highlighting the advantages of custom course creation. Attendees will explore how to utilize Open Educational Resources (OER) and platforms like Storyline, Rise, Canva, and Genially to design flexible, affordable, and personalized learning experiences that engage students. The session will encourage participants to discuss the challenges of relying on third-party resources and collaborate on strategies to integrate custom content and OER into their courses. Practical examples and real-world case studies will illustrate the benefits of this approach, equipping attendees with actionable steps and insights to enhance their course offerings through custom content development and OER.
Speaker(s): Sherry StancilLocation: 201A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 201A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041314:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 13 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Understanding the Dual Enrollment Student Experience
Dual enrollment offers high school students the chance to engage with college-level coursework and earn college credit, often at little to no cost, which is particularly beneficial for students from historically underserved populations. For this experience to be meaningful, it is crucial to set students on a path to success by understanding their dual enrollment experiences. This presentation will present findings from the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), focusing on two pilot administrations of the Dual Enrollment Survey of Student Engagement (DESSE). Insights from the Community College Research Center’s National Student Clearinghouse data analysis regarding the postsecondary outcomes of dual enrollment students based on race, gender, and income will be presented. Additionally, presenters will discuss the initiatives at Lorain County Community College (OH) that have resulted in college credit attainment rates that surpass state and national averages. Participants will engage in an activity designed to model how colleges can investigate and discuss dual enrollment student experiences to enhance support for these learners.
Speaker(s): Courtney Adkins Marcia Ballinger Davis JenkinsLocation: 202A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Unearthing the Hidden Treasure: Empowering Adjunct Faculty
Join us for an engaging session focused on discovering innovative ways to support and uplift adjunct faculty through the G.E.M.S. framework—Gather, Empower, Mentor, and Support. Participants will break into small groups to explore each of these core areas, brainstorming creative solutions that can be implemented on their campuses. The session will delve into actionable steps to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for adjunct faculty, who are invaluable assets to our institutions and deserve more recognition, resources, and support. By investing in adjunct faculty, we not only enhance their well-being but also improve student success and strengthen the overall academic community. Together, we can champion change by applying the G.E.M.S. strategies at our campuses.
Speaker(s): Ashanti Bryant FosterLocation: 201A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 201A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Location: 212, Music City Center |
Location: 212, Music City Center |
2025041409:0017:00 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Location: 212, Music City Center |
Location: 212, Music City Center |
2025041509:0016:00 000 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041318:1519:15 000 | SUN, APR 13 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041410:4511:45 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041414:1515:15 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041416:0017:00 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
8:45 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041508:4510:30 000 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041512:0013:00 000 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom and Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041516:0017:00 000 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM CDT
Location: Cumberland 6, Omni Nashville |
Location: Cumberland 6, Omni Nashville |
2025041407:0008:30 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Location: Gibson Boardroom, Omni Nashville |
Location: Gibson Boardroom, Omni Nashville |
2025041208:0011:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Lead the Way: Strategic Communications That Drive Impact (pre-registration required)
Ready to amplify your leadership and impact through strategic communications? This pre-conference workshop will explore how college leaders can use research-driven strategies to align messaging, tone, and impact across all initiatives—not just enrollment. From completion goals and workforce development to community engagement, discover how integrated communications can turn big ideas into measurable results.
We’ll start with a practical, no-fluff lecture on using data and research to craft powerful communications. Then, hear directly from a panel of community college presidents and VPs nationwide who have successfully used these strategies to tackle challenges and drive change. Wrap it up with a hands-on work session, where you’ll roll up your sleeves to design a 2025-2026 communications plan tailored to your institution’s goals. Walk away ready to inspire, influence, and lead with clarity and purpose. Location: Broadway Ballroom H, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom H, Omni Nashville |
2025041209:0016:00 046 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Location: Legends Ballroom A, Omni Nashville |
Location: Legends Ballroom A, Omni Nashville |
2025041208:0011:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM CDT
Location: Broadway Ballroom A - E, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom A - E, Omni Nashville |
2025041507:0008:30 000 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom, Music City Center |
2025041318:1519:15 000 | SUN, APR 13 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 4:45 PM CDT
Expanding FAFSA & MassReconnect Access Through Early Alerts
Holyoke Community College (HCC) faced challenges in systematically reaching out to students with incomplete FAFSAs or outstanding MassReconnect requirements, making it difficult to measure the effectiveness of their outreach efforts. Recognizing that many students were unaware of their outstanding FAFSA tasks or confused about requirements, HCC implemented early alerts to identify students enrolled in new student orientation with incomplete FAFSAs and those with outstanding MassReconnect requirements. Students receiving alerts can schedule one-on-one appointments with financial aid counselors through email invitations, streamlining the process and allowing counselors to focus on direct student engagement. This approach proved successful, as HCC increased FAFSA submissions for students who attended orientation by 14%, and 11.6% of its students received MassReconnect funding and other federal and state aid during Fall 2023.
Speaker(s): Tara Zirkel Kim StraceskiLocation: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1516:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Location: Legends Ballroom F, Omni Nashville |
Location: Legends Ballroom F, Omni Nashville |
2025041417:3019:00 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM CDT
Location: Legends Ballroom E, Omni Nashville |
Location: Legends Ballroom E, Omni Nashville |
2025041308:0008:45 000 | SUN, APR 13 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Location: Music Row 6, Omni Nashville |
Location: Music Row 6, Omni Nashville |
2025041214:0017:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Finding Your Groove During Challenging Times: Shaping the Future of Higher Education (pre-registration required)
This pre-conference explores how courageous leadership can spark lasting change and drive innovative solutions in higher education. Through real-world examples and crucial conversations, participants will gain insights to strategies for fostering resilience, maintaining authenticity, and navigating institutional barriers. The sessions will focus on leading with integrity to cultivate sustainable growth and resilience while addressing student needs and societal expectations.
Location: Broadway Ballroom G, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom G, Omni Nashville |
2025041211:0016:00 048 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
12:30 PM - 3:30 PM CDT
Location: Cumberland 2, Omni Nashville |
Location: Cumberland 2, Omni Nashville |
2025041312:3015:30 000 | SUN, APR 13 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Location: Broadway Ballroom J, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom J, Omni Nashville |
2025041417:0019:00 126 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM CDT
Location: Broadway Ballroom H, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom H, Omni Nashville |
2025041407:0008:30 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM CDT
Location: Broadway Ballroom H, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom H, Omni Nashville |
2025041417:3020:30 060 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM CDT
New CEO Academy (pre-registration required)
This two-day professional development opportunity for CEOs in their first two years on the job will cover the most pressing trends and issues impacting our sector. Participate with your peers and hear from experts on topics like equity, enrollment management, and college operations, among others. Case studies and other hands on activities will be included in this session. (Breakfast and lunch included, as well as a closing reception.)
Location: Broadway Ballroom J, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom J, Omni Nashville |
2025041209:0016:30 044 | SAT, APR 12 |
D2A92B54-9E6B-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D2A92B54-9E6B-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM CDT
New CEO Academy (pre-registration required)
This two-day professional development opportunity for CEOs in their first two years on the job will cover the most pressing trends and issues impacting our sector. Participate with your peers and hear from experts on topics like equity, enrollment management, and college operations, among others. Case studies and other hands on activities will be included in this session. (Breakfast and lunch included, as well as a closing reception.)
Location: Broadway Ballroom J, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom J, Omni Nashville |
2025041309:0016:30 044 | SUN, APR 13 |
D2A92B54-9E6B-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D2A92B54-9E6B-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Location: Legends Ballroom G, Omni Nashville |
Location: Legends Ballroom G, Omni Nashville |
2025041208:0011:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
2:15 PM - 4:15 PM CDT
CEO Think Tank #2 (for presidents and chancellors only)
Community colleges play a vital role in addressing workforce shortages and preparing students for emerging industries, but traditional partnership models are inadequate in the face of rapid technological advancements and shifting economic demands. This think tank will focus on creating innovative and inclusive partnerships that encompass public-private collaborations and various educational institutions, including K-12 systems, four-year universities, and industry stakeholders. CEOs will work on developing new partnership models to enhance workforce alignment, deepen employer engagement, and create flexible pathways that equip students for the digital economy. The solutions generated will be compiled in a national Think Tank Brief, outlining transformative partnership strategies for community colleges to lead the workforce of the future.
Location: 208B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 208B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041414:1516:15 052 | MON, APR 14 |
D2A92B54-9E6B-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM CDT
Powering Economic Mobility: Community Colleges as Regional Ecosystem Leaders (pre-registration required)
Location: Broadway Ballroom G, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom G, Omni Nashville |
2025041313:0016:30 054 | SUN, APR 13 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Location: Legends Ballroom C, Omni Nashville |
Location: Legends Ballroom C, Omni Nashville |
2025041208:0011:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM CDT
Location: Broadway Ballroom J, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom J, Omni Nashville |
2025041407:0008:30 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
Location: Broadway Ballroom G, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom G, Omni Nashville |
2025041417:3019:30 058 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
Location: Mockingbird 1, Omni Nashville |
Location: Mockingbird 1, Omni Nashville |
2025041313:0015:00 000 | SUN, APR 13 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM CDT
Location: Music Row 5, Omni Nashville |
Location: Music Row 5, Omni Nashville |
2025041408:0009:30 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
CEO Think Tank #1 (for presidents and chancellors only)
Community colleges are at a crucial juncture where leveraging data is essential for student success amidst increasingly complex needs and a rapidly evolving workforce. This CEO-only Think Tank will convene prominent community college leaders to explore data-driven innovations, redesign educational pathways, and create strategies for improved student outcomes. In an AI-driven environment, participants will collaborate to integrate new tools and learning models, address equity gaps, and align programs with workforce demands. Their solutions will be documented in a national Think Tank Brief, outlining a transformative approach for community colleges to harness data and AI for leadership in education.
Location: 208B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 208B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0011:00 051 | MON, APR 14 |
D2A92B54-9E6B-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041212:0017:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041308:3016:30 000 | SUN, APR 13 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041408:3016:30 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Location: Davidson Ballroom Foyer, Music City Center |
Location: Davidson Ballroom Foyer, Music City Center |
2025041508:3012:00 000 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM CDT
Beyond the Myths: Data & AI for Strategic Academic Program Planning
The higher education landscape faces challenges such as rising costs and shifting demographics. Yet, many institutions thrive by adopting a data-informed academic program evaluation process to enhance student offerings and enrollment. This session features insights from a community college Provost and VP of Instruction who utilizes data and performance indicators to revitalize academic plans and make strategic decisions on program management. Attendees will learn about the importance of student demand and labor market metrics, the potential of AI-enhanced systems to streamline program evaluations, and participate in an exercise to apply these concepts. The session covers current challenges in higher education, the benefits of data-driven decisions, and a real-world case study from a community college leader.
Speaker(s): Cheryl Calhoun Robert AtkinsLocation: 207B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041508:4509:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 |
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Concrete Strategies for Leading in Our Political Context (pre-registration required)
Legislatures, courtrooms, and media scrutinize institutional autonomy and academic freedom nationwide. Leaders need concrete tactics and strategies to navigate legislation and politics interfering with their institutional missions. This session provides concrete tactics tailored to ensure overreach does not occur and to reduce the chilling effect on institutional culture while aligning internal and external stakeholders toward the college’s mission. Participants will leave with an action plan for their institutions to navigate their context.
Location: Broadway Ballroom K, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom K, Omni Nashville |
2025041311:0016:00 052 | SUN, APR 13 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM CDT
Training Students Today for Tomorrow with Simulator Systems
The presenters will showcase the benefits and effectiveness of simulator training for students learning to safely operate heavy equipment like excavators, dozers, and forklifts. This engaging presentation will include testimonial videos from instructors who have successfully implemented simulator systems in their teaching, as well as insights from students with direct training experience. Attendees will also have the chance to interact with either a full-size or compact simulator, allowing them to ask questions and gain hands-on experience.
Speaker(s): Nate Hurn Curt MeyerLocation: 110A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 110A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041508:4509:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM CDT
Walking a Tight Rope: The Woman Leader
Leading as a woman today involves navigating challenges like societal expectations and gender biases while seizing opportunities as pivotal change agents in various sectors. The increasing recognition of diverse leadership fosters innovation and inclusivity, with successful women leaders emphasizing collaboration, empathy, and resilience. Building strong networks and mentorship is essential for supporting and amplifying their voices, while advocacy for equal pay, representation, and work-life balance remains crucial in breaking the glass ceiling. Ultimately, the advancement of women in leadership is reshaping workplaces and communities, underscoring the need for ongoing support and empowerment to enable effective and authentic leadership.
Speaker(s): Angel Royal Daria Willis DeRionne Pollard Anne Kress Vicki KarolewicsLocation: 104B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041410:1511:15 000 | MON, APR 14 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
AI-assisted Transfer: The New Frontier
The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), in collaboration with the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), Dr. Zach Pardos, Associate Professor of Education and Director of the University of California at Berkeley’s Computational Approaches to Human Learning, and Sova have launched the AI Transfer and Articulation Infrastructure Network (ATAIN). ATAIN is a groundbreaking national initiative supercharging credit mobility and college transfer success for learners nationwide. By harnessing cutting-edge AI technology through a software platform called CourseWise, ATAIN aims to eliminate the frustration, friction, and uncertainty of credit transfer and empower institutions to best serve their students. Imagine a future where learners’ hard-earned credits follow them to any education opportunity, personalized course plans are tailored to their unique goals, and the path to their goals is straightforward and efficient. Join us for a discussion on the progress that we’ve made to date and learn about some of our early findings.
Speaker(s): Angel Royal Lara Couturier Zach PardosLocation: 104B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0010:00 000 | MON, APR 14 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CDT
Understanding the Benefits Cliff
A benefits cliff occurs when a slight increase in income from a new job leads to a significant loss of valuable benefits, resulting in families becoming financially worse off or remaining on a benefits plateau. This session will highlight the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s benefits cliff tool, demonstrating its use in assessing the impact of upward educational mobility on students' current living situations. Panelists will discuss these challenges and propose solutions aimed at helping individuals and policymakers navigate the complexities of benefits cliffs, fostering a more equitable economic landscape. Speaker(s): Martha Parham Jermaine Whirl Jessica Lauritsen Alex RuderLocation: 207C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041415:3016:30 000 | MON, APR 14 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
The Learner Employment Record and What it Means for the Future of Higher Education
Join us for a discussion on the growing belief that students should own the credentials they earn, as this empowers them to actively manage their learning journey, gain greater control over their professional profiles, and highlight their skills and achievements across various platforms, enhancing their competitiveness in the job market. The Learner Employment Record (LER) and digital wallets are emerging as popular interoperable tools designed to issue and receive accurate, verifiable credentials, allowing students to take ownership of their educational accomplishments and leverage them as needed. Together, we will explore how this transformative technology can empower students in their career paths.
Speaker(s): Kate Giovacchini Amber Garrison Duncan Kerri LemoieLocation: 207C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041508:4509:45 000 | TUE, APR 15 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM CDT
Elevating Workforce Outcomes through Data Collection
CredLens has partnered with the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) to enhance workforce development outcomes in community colleges by standardizing best practices for capturing data on microcredentials, badges, certificates, and short-term training. This collaboration will provide valuable insights into job placement rates, employment duration, post-credential earnings, and comparisons of pre- and post-credential salaries. Additionally, it will explore commonly stacked credentials and further education pursued after earning these credentials. Join us for an important discussion on how to effectively collect workforce data and demonstrate that training leads to family-sustaining wage jobs.
Speaker(s): Angel Royal Steven Partridge Stacy CaldwellLocation: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4511:45 000 | TUE, APR 15 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Location: Music Row 1, Omni Nashville |
Location: Music Row 1, Omni Nashville |
2025041214:0017:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Location: Broadway Ballroom K, Omni Nashville |
Location: Broadway Ballroom K, Omni Nashville |
2025041208:0011:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 |
Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Location: Music Row 2, Omni Nashville |
Location: Music Row 2, Omni Nashville |
2025041214:0017:00 000 | SAT, APR 12 | |||
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
Ability to Benefit: Dual Enrollment for Adult Learners
The Ability to Benefit (ATB) provisions of the Higher Education Act provide a pathway for adult learners without a high school diploma to access Federal Student Aid. By allowing these individuals to enroll in eligible postsecondary programs while working toward their high school credential, ATB supports their educational advancement. Programs like I-BEST have shown success in helping ATB students successfully complete their studies. The recent updates from the U.S. Department of Education bring important changes to the ATB regulations, including new state process alternatives and guidelines for submitting eligible career pathway programs for approval.
Speaker(s): Erin BergLocation: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041410:0010:30 001 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM CDT
Expanding Postsecondary Access to Career Field Entry Options
Those on the college track need career guidance and planning assistance to solidify their direction. It is important to recognize the ongoing, iterative nature of career planning because many people revisit needed credentials at some point during their career evolution. Oftentimes, individuals need additional support when making career plans to identify the required steps to establish a roadmap to achieve their ultimate career goal.The ASVAB CEP is a comprehensive career planning resource that supports informed academic and career decision making. The ASVAB CEP assesses an individual’s skills, interests, and work values to allow them to narrow their focus and envision the best pathway to meet their individual career goals. Then, the program exposes them to pathway options to gain career field entry and transition to the next level. While the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) is free for 16-year-olds and up, it is underutilized in post-secondary institutions. The presenters will discuss and demonstrate the many ways the ASVAB CEP can be utilized in post-secondary institutions to enhance the learning experiences of young adults.
Speaker(s): Irina Rader Dennis ZmijaLocation: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041508:4509:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Finding Community College Students' Rhythm in NASA STEM
This session will outline the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) program, which is available to community college students to discover NASA's missions and explore their STEM skills through online coursework, mission planning simulations, and in person experiences at NASA centers, as well as NASA internships and career pipelines. This opportunity specifically focuses on students from minority-serving institutions (MSI) who are U.S. citizens, at least 18 years old, and enrolled in a U.S. community college with at least nine hours of STEM coursework completed or in progress. As a part of the NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP), NCAS aims to encourage participation in STEM fields among underrepresented groups. Activities supported by MUREP ensure access to NASA careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, disciplines and are designed to address the national challenges of attracting and retaining underrepresented, underserved, and minority students and faculty in STEM courses of study.
Speaker(s): Lisa MitchellLocation: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 206B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041415:3016:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Concrete Strategies for Leading in Our Political Context
This session addresses key considerations for higher education institutions amidst current political challenges, emphasizing the need for collective leadership among presidents and cabinet members, including legal and academic representatives. Participants will explore their local contexts, policies, and existing inclusivity initiatives through a structured program, beginning with examining the political landscape impacting academic freedom. The session will involve group discussions on aligning institutional values with strategic considerations, internal governance discussions on navigating rapid political changes and examining recent legislation affecting higher education. Participants will engage in scenario-based planning regarding mandates, resource allocation, and outreach strategies to ensure continued adherence to educational inclusion. Attendees will leave with actionable plans tailored to your institutions and contribute to a broader sector conversation on sustaining democracy and academic integrity in education.
Speaker(s): Michael Gavin Stephanie Fujii Julie WhiteLocation: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 37A5DDB1-3066-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
AI-Driven Leadership: Balancing Innovation and Concerns in Community College Administration.
Speaker(s): Jeremy BrownLocation: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
How Can We Support Faculty Transitioning to Administration? A Peer to Peer Conversation
Speaker(s): Derrick LindstromLocation: 108, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 108, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
How community colleges can foster a sense of belonging for both students and staff.
Speaker(s): Precious MillerLocation: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Location: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Location: 108, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 108, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Location: 108, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 108, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 | |||
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Aligning for Impact: Strategic Planning to Drive Student Success
Piedmont Technical College's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) focused on enhancing student outcomes in healthcare and nursing programs through a Guided Pathways approach, which included a standardized first semester, a redesigned advising model, early engagement, career exploration, and degree planning. The introduction of the CAREplan advising model centralized support for pre-healthcare students by providing consistent access to trained advisors further adapted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by creating a virtual CARE Planning Center and enhanced online resources. Lessons learned from the QEP included the necessity of continuous advisor training, the effectiveness of degree planning in student engagement, and the overall benefits of a guided pathways model, leading to the expansion of CAREplan to other academic divisions. The workshop will showcase the transformative impact of the QEP, emphasizing strategic alignment, data-driven decision-making, and cross-departmental collaboration in enhancing educational experiences and measurable improvements in student success. Participants will leave with practical insights for implementing cohesive initiatives to promote persistence and positive change within their institutions.
Speaker(s): Keli Fewox Joshua Black Hope RiversLocation: 209B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 209B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4512:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Beating the Drum for Regional Harmony in Workforce Development
Monroe Community College (MCC) is at the forefront of creating robust regional workforce development partnerships. This presentation will delve into MCC’s innovative approaches to fostering collaborations that enhance opportunities for learners. For example, MCC is leading the workforce development component of a federally funded grant award, Tech Hub, that seeks to distinguish upstate NY as a national center for semiconductor supply chain organizations - Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse. MCC is also the lead institution in the development of a 9-county regional workforce development ecosystem which will prepare learners for in-demand careers. The workshop will explore how MCC orchestrates both public-public and public-private partnerships to develop replicable opportunities for learner success in the workforce. The session will highlight the creation of an ecosystem that includes higher education institutions, workforce investment boards, community-based organizations, and workforce and economic development entities.
Speaker(s): DeAnna Burt-Nanna Gretchen Wood Robin ColeLocation: 209A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 209A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4512:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
Career Literacy from the Beginning of a Learner’s Journey
Learn how Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) faculty developed programming focused on career literacy through the Ethnographies of Work (EoW) initiative. Career literacy is seen as an iterative process beginning with first year seminar courses and in courses across disciplines within a students program of study. Faculty play a key role in developing curriculum in various disciplines that support students developing reflections, examining the world of work, exploring their career interests and career pathways. Career readiness has traditionally been seen as something that occurs at the end of the education process. It has traditionally been the sole responsibility of career centers of colleges. The workshop will highlight the holistic student approach in developing career literacy and career readiness in various curricular and co-curricular offices. Participants in the workshop will engage in active hands-on learning and discussion to reflect on their own college’s career literacy and readiness programming. There will be opportunities to engage in hands-on designing of career literacy activities focused on the beginning stages of the student’s academic journey. The theories and frameworks underlying the Ethnographies of Work initiative focused on equity, cultural wealth, and social mobility models will be discussed and opportunities to apply the lessons will be included along with designing concrete take-aways for their home institutions. Participants will receive a copy of the BHCC Ethnographies of Work Toolkit and Manual.
Speaker(s): Pam Eddinger R. Vallie Aurora Bautista Carlos MaynardLocation: 208A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 208A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
Strategic Enrollment Management: It’s all about partnerships!
At Lorain County Community College, 80% of new students come from various partnerships, highlighting their vital role in our Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) plan. This skills-building workshop is designed to help participants reassess their enrollment management strategies within a partnership framework, identify potential growth opportunities using institutional and external data, and understand how to leverage partnerships effectively. By illustrating the significance of partnerships in the community college sector, the workshop will guide attendees in applying the Blue Ocean Strategies framework to evaluate promising collaborations. Participants will receive a guided workbook and engage in group discussions and early reflections with peers. This will provide a foundation for reorienting their enrollment management plans to prioritize partnerships for enhanced student enrollment.
Speaker(s): Thomas Benjamin Tracy Green Marisa WhiteLocation: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
Crafting Your AI-Ready Campus Blueprint: A Workshop
As artificial intelligence continues to reshape higher education, community colleges urgently need to adapt to these technological advancements. This workshop leverages our extensive experience implementing college-wide AI initiatives, including insights from our Presidential Commission on AI and comprehensive faculty/staff development programs. It aims to equip community college leaders, faculty, and staff with essential tools and strategies to enhance their institution's AI readiness. Participants will focus on three key areas: assessing current AI readiness, designing basic AI literacy programs, and developing targeted AI integration action plans. By the end of the session, attendees will conduct a rapid AI readiness assessment for their institution, draft an outline for a basic AI literacy program, create an action plan for AI integration in a key area, and establish valuable connections with peers navigating similar challenges in AI implementation.
Speaker(s): Edie Gaythwaite Ian DreilingerLocation: 207B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4C8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
Developing Completive Partnership-Centered Proposals
Writing competitive funding applications is particularly challenging for 2-year institutions of higher education (IHEs) with limited pre- and post-award management capacity. A crucial component of a successful proposal is developing a clear and concise logic model or theory of change, which aligns the proposal's goals, activities, and intended outcomes while outlining the relationships between key partners. This workshop aims to guide attendees through creating a logic model from the ideation phase of a funding proposal. Participants will work in small groups of 2-4 from the same institution or discipline, making the session relevant to their needs. The presenters will first explain the logic model's role and structure, after which participants will identify a persistent problem of practice relevant to their institution, develop a specific problem statement, and determine the stakeholders involved. They will then brainstorm potential activities to address the problem and identify short- and long-term outcomes of those activities. By the end of the session, teams will share their preliminary logic models with the larger group, ensuring they leave with a foundation for their funding applications.
Speaker(s): Christopher Russell Joshua Labrie Jack Bidlack Chad KnightsLocation: 208B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 208B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
Enhancing Faculty and Administrative Tasks with ChatGPT
This interactive workshop invites faculty and administrators to explore Generative AI, mainly focusing on ChatGPT, and its transformative potential within higher education. Participants will start by understanding ChatGPT and how it operates and discussing its relevance in academic settings. The session will address the impact of ChatGPT on teaching and learning, emphasizing how this technology can enhance productivity and improve the quality of work. Attendees will learn the importance of integrating AI into curricula to foster innovation, boost student engagement, and streamline administrative tasks. The workshop features hands-on activities, allowing participants to work with sample prompts, develop effective AI-driven prompts, and interpret responses for practical application. Promoting collaboration, the program encourages participants to share insights and strategies, making it suitable for educators at all experience levels. By the end of the workshop, attendees will understand how to leverage ChatGPT to enhance their educational practices and acquire practical skills for integrating AI technologies into their professional toolkit.
Speaker(s): Shiang-Kwei Wang Andrea Fabrizio Yana HeLocation: 209A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 209A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4C8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
From Strategic Goal to Implementation: Scaling Accelerated Courses
In response to declining course success and student retention, many colleges are re-evaluating the traditional 15-week semester structure to increase flexibility and opportunities for student success. Experts suggest that the 15-week format can hinder performance by assuming students lack the necessary skills for college-level work. Institutions can serve students more equitably by adopting an accelerated course structure, which offers multiple on-ramps and shorter periods for fewer courses. Since 2009, our college has implemented accelerated courses to improve retention and completion rates, particularly for diverse student populations who may lack adequate academic preparation. Our data revealed that students often dropped out midway through the semester, prompting us to focus on reducing degree completion time and increasing full-time enrollment. Research indicated that students in accelerated courses tended to perform better and withdraw less frequently. Consequently, we invested in faculty professional development for inclusive course redesign and provided embedded support like tutoring and advising. This workshop will outline our college's journey from strategic goal setting to innovative implementation of accelerated courses, detailing the key steps and current progress. It will involve exercises to develop implementation plans that engage faculty, staff, students, and external partners for effective feedback and buy-in.
Speaker(s): Jonathan Iuzzini Toni Muhammad Candace dePassLocation: 205B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 205B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
Futures Thinking: Preparing your campus for 2040 and beyond
In today’s rapidly changing environment, community colleges need to adopt futures thinking to remain relevant and practical. This strategic framework aids in identifying potential scenarios and preparing for future changes. Participants in the workshop will learn essential concepts, such as drivers and signals of change, and how to draw insights from fields outside education, showcasing MiraCosta College’s initiatives as a model for embedding futures thinking into institutional practices. The workshop will feature a mix of presentations and interactive exercises, including "Orient to the Future" polls, the "Two Curves Framework" for uncovering patterns of change, and the "Flip It" exercise to envision future campus scenarios. Additionally, discussions will include the equity implications of futures work, and the session will conclude with a Q&A segment to foster further discussion and reflection.
Speaker(s): Wendy Stewart Sunita CookeLocation: 209B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 209B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Get HIP to It: Ignite Student Success with High-Impact Practices
High-impact practices (HIPs) are evidence-based teaching and learning approaches that provide significant educational benefits for students, as defined by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), including collaborative learning, capstone projects, undergraduate research, and internships. When effectively implemented by reflective faculty with administrative support, HIPs enhance student engagement, retention, success, and graduation rates. This presentation will introduce participants to HIPs, explain their purpose, and outline the development process while also providing insights into how faculty at Valencia College have successfully integrated these practices over five years, with support from their dean. Participants will engage in active learning exercises to reflect on relevant practice problems at their institutions, identify a suitable intervention, and begin creating their HIPs. The session will combine engaging lectures, group discussions, and planning activities and is open to any faculty member or dean, regardless of prior knowledge or experience with high-impact practices. However, the focus will be on open-access institutions.
Speaker(s): Chiara Ojeda Summer Trazzera Shea FaulknerLocation: 207B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4512:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
How Specially Trained Pivot Teams Can Help Implement Campus Goals
Presidents, provosts, vice presidents, deans, and directors can leverage specially trained cross-campus pivot teams to facilitate quicker, more informed decision-making and enhance implementation capacity. This session will focus on Pivot Teams introducing a change management mindset into the organizational culture by offering context, resources, and processes for effective problem-solving and initiative execution. Importantly, these teams do not serve as decision-making or consulting bodies for establishing goals, thus avoiding competition with existing shared governance practices. Instead, they provide tactical guidance on approaching goals that have already been set or are under consideration.
Speaker(s): Tammy RobinsonLocation: 110B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 110B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
Leading Innovation through Program Development and Apprenticeships
As workforce demands evolve due to technological advancements and changing economic conditions, institutions must actively engage in partnerships that connect educational offerings with industry needs. This interactive workshop focuses on creating strategic collaborations with industry, government agencies, and community organizations to enhance workforce development through innovative programs and Registered Apprenticeships. Such partnerships align educational objectives with local, regional, and national workforce demands, ensuring graduates possess the skills necessary for high-wage, in-demand careers. Participants will learn key strategies for aligning institutional goals with workforce needs, including identifying high-demand sectors, leveraging resources from various stakeholders, and developing sustainable apprenticeship frameworks. The session will feature real-world case studies that highlight successful collaborations between educational institutions and industries, illustrating the tangible benefits of these partnerships. Speaker(s): Veronica Inselmann Curt Rendall Kristi GlesneLocation: 209C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 209C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4C8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Let them LEAD: Fostering Student Leadership Beyond the Syllabus
Empower your students to take on leadership roles in and out of the classroom in this interactive workshop, co-presented by a student leader. Participants will explore innovative strategies for fostering student leadership through Open Educational Resource (OER) curriculum development, student clubs, service-learning projects, and community partnerships. The workshop aims to provide actionable insights on integrating student leadership into coursework and campus life while creating a collaborative culture that enables students to shape their educational experiences. Attendees will leave with real-world examples, resources, and practical ideas to implement on their campuses, ultimately helping their students become the leaders of tomorrow.
Speaker(s): Ashanti Foster Sidney FosterLocation: 209C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 209C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4512:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Leveraging AI from the Classroom to the Office
This interactive workshop will guide participants through Artificial Intelligence (AI) 's transformative potential in educational practices and administrative tasks. It will kick off with an introduction to AI concepts, leading to sessions that focus on integrating AI into teaching methods to boost engagement and personalize learning experiences and leveraging AI tools for data-driven decision-making in administration. Participants will engage in discussions, hands-on demonstrations, and collaborative planning activities throughout the workshop. Designed for educators and administrators of all experience levels, the program will progress from foundational AI knowledge to practical strategies that can be implemented immediately, providing actionable insights to promote AI adoption in various educational contexts.
Speaker(s): Michelle Baragona Christopher MurphyLocation: 204, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 204, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4512:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4C8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Rethinking Equity: Expanding Beyond Traditional Categories
This presentation focuses on the critical need to expand the discourse around racial and gender equity gaps in higher education by moving beyond traditional federal racial categories and the gender binary. We will comprehensively analyze often unrecognized equity gaps, drawing on over two decades of advocacy for equitable educational outcomes. Emphasizing the importance of disaggregating data into nuanced subgroups, we aim to equip institutions with the tools to identify and address underlying disparities more effectively. Participants will engage in interactive discussions, a case study, and hands-on activities to explore the limitations of current data collection practices. Additionally, we will review the historical context and evolution of racial equity advocacy, focusing on actionable strategies for fostering equity-minded practices within educational institutions.
Speaker(s): Amaris MatosLocation: 208B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 208B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4512:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
Strategic Foresight for Campus Leaders: A Primer
In today’s rapidly changing landscape, community college leaders require more than traditional strategic plans; they need strategic foresight to thrive. This workshop introduces participants to foresight tools that enable them to anticipate change, explore multiple futures, and develop adaptive strategies. Attendees will learn how foresight differs from conventional strategic planning by emphasizing uncertainty, non-linear thinking, and scenario exploration. The session will showcase real-world examples of how various educational institutions and industries have successfully employed foresight to navigate unpredictable environments. By fostering a necessary mindset shift—from planning based on certainty to planning for possibilities—participants will engage in hands-on activities that involve identifying signals and key drivers, generating scenarios, and employing backcasting to formulate actionable plans. Ultimately, attendees will leave with practical tools and insights to integrate foresight into their institutions, enhancing resilience and preparedness for emerging challenges.
Speaker(s): Andrea HendersonLocation: 207D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Strategically Deepening Employer Engagement for Technical Programs
This workshop will showcase the Business & Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model, a strategic employer engagement method supported by the National Science Foundation, aimed at facilitating continuous program improvement and innovation in technical education. Speakers will emphasize the importance of deep employer engagement in today's educational landscape and how the BILT model drives innovation in technical programs nationwide. Attendees will explore the BILT Annual Cycle, including participating in a mock Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) analysis and faculty cross-reference process. Leaders from South Central College will share their experiences and lessons learned from several years of implementing BILT, highlighting how the model has transformed their approach to employer engagement and been integrated into their strategic plan. The workshop will simplify the BILT annual cycle's steps, ensuring participants—from faculty to vice presidents—understand how the approach can benefit colleges of all sizes and various technical programs by aligning curriculum with industry needs to prepare students for the workforce. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of the BILT model's purpose, key components, and practical methods for implementation.
Speaker(s): Hope Cotner Annette Parker Kelcey Woods-Nord Ann BehelerLocation: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4512:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 488D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Supporting Undocumented Students Through Policy and Collaboration
More than 400,000 Dreamers—undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children—are currently enrolled in colleges nationwide. Despite their motivation and commitment, these students face challenges such as higher tuition rates and a lack of access to financial aid, which deters many others from pursuing higher education when the country is experiencing a workforce shortage in individuals with postsecondary degrees. In response to this social justice issue and workforce need, nearly half of U.S. states have enacted “Tuition Equity” laws to provide more affordable access to higher education. This workshop will focus on Massachusetts's recent passage of its Tuition Equity law, offering practical guidance on coalition-building, using various arguments to counter opposition, and essential strategies for implementation. Attendees will learn how to form a broad coalition, leverage multiple persuasive strategies, capitalize on their strengths, and effectively execute implementation plans.
Speaker(s): Lane Glenn Monica Andrade Miriam Feldblum Pam EddingerLocation: 207D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4512:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4A8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Transfer Success with Dual Admission and Co-enrollment Partners
Although up to 80 percent of entering community college students aim to earn a baccalaureate degree, fewer than one-third successfully transfer to a four-year institution, and only 16 percent graduate within six years of starting their education at a community college. To tackle this issue, fostering deeper collaboration between community colleges and universities is essential beyond traditional 2+2 agreements. Dual admission and co-enrollment programs significantly enhance the chances of completing a baccalaureate degree. Blinn College exemplifies this approach by partnering with various institutions to offer its students dual admission and co-enrollment opportunities. This interactive workshop will provide insights into how your institution can achieve similar successes by highlighting strategies for identifying and engaging potential university partners. Presenters will discuss Blinn College's negotiation and implementation processes for partnership agreements, sharing performance data on transfer, graduation, and persistence rates. Participants can also use worksheets to select partners and design their workflow processes, equipping them with practical tools to enhance their collaborative efforts.
Speaker(s): Michelle McGehee Randy Wells Allison BentkeLocation: 207C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 207C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041510:4512:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 4E8D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM CDT
Empowering Faculty and Staff to Lead
Transform_Ed represents an innovative approach within our community college and the broader field by empowering faculty and staff to lead in shaping institutional strategies. This initiative leverages educators’ collective expertise to address the evolving needs of students amid rapid change. By creating space for reflective practice—often neglected in traditional professional development—Transform_Ed enables faculty and staff to anticipate challenges and opportunities in higher education. With a focus on design thinking and change management, the program equips educators with tools to tackle complex problems, fostering student success and institutional innovation. Additionally, the program explores the intersection of the future of work and higher education through the PESTLE model, emphasizing the importance of understanding technological advancements, especially in artificial intelligence and emerging digital tools. This ensures that educational programs remain relevant to workforce demands and prepare students for success in a tech-driven economy. Furthermore, Transform_Ed facilitates faculty and staff engagement with labor market data to develop targeted strategies for closing workforce gaps while respecting academic freedom, ultimately enhancing student outcomes and workforce readiness.
Speaker(s): Monique Umphrey Andrea Kehoe Stephanie Long Shasta BuchananLocation: 110A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 110A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041513:0014:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A 508D269E-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C9990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A C7990DC0-2166-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
A Research-Practice Partnership to Improve Internship Outcomes
Preparing students for careers in information and communication technology (ICT) poses a global challenge, especially as Institutes of Higher Education (IHEs) strive to align more closely with labor market needs and enhance employment opportunities for graduates. Internships have proven to be an effective strategy for improving ICT program outcomes, including reduced time to completion, increased employment rates, and the development of professional skills not typically taught in classrooms. They also benefit employer partners by strengthening recruitment pathways through collaboration with educational institutions. Despite the documented advantages, the impact of internship supervisors on student outcomes remains under-researched. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) launched a professional learning program for IT internship supervisors in collaboration with Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) to address this gap. This initiative involved preparing students for internships through a Career and Leadership Readiness Institute (CLRI) while training IT supervisors to mentor their interns effectively. Over the first three years, the program has successfully seen over 150 students complete the CLRI, with 75 NOVA students completing internships and 26 IT supervisors receiving training. During this fireside chat session, participants will learn about the structure of the research-practitioner partnership that facilitated the project, the work-based learning framework and its outcomes, and how this intervention has positively affected student outcomes, along with strategies other institutions can adopt to enhance their internship programs.
Speaker(s): Chris Russell Josh Labrie Jack BidlackLocation: 102A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 102A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
AI and the Humanities: Shaping the Future of Learning and Research
This session will delve into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) within the humanities, focusing on how AI tools can enhance personalized learning experiences, facilitate innovative research, and prepare students for future challenges. Through a moderated panel discussion and audience engagement, the session will highlight the benefits of AI in academia and address the inevitable pitfalls and ethical concerns associated with using Generative AI in the humanities. Attendees will gain valuable insights into AI-powered tools, their applications, and guidelines for their responsible use, envisioning a new era of scholarship and education that harnesses the power of technology while addressing its implications.
Speaker(s): Ellen Osterkamp Kevin Steeves Laura PelletierLocation: 106B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 106B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Aligning an Underutilized Campus to Labor Needs with Data
This presentation will provide an overview of the opportunities identified at CCRI's Newport Campus, which has experienced under-enrollment and underutilization since the pandemic. Recognizing the campus's potential as a hub for service sector programs, college leadership sought third-party validation to ensure alignment with labor market needs and long-term viability. Presenters will share the drivers and methodologies behind the Labor Market Analysis conducted in partnership with Hanover Research, which highlighted projected workforce needs and Culinary and Campus feasibility studies that assessed interest in culinary and hospitality careers, analyzed potential competition, and examined financial costs for program development. The discussion will focus on the steps taken to collaborate with local businesses and industry stakeholders to ensure the new programs fulfill employer requirements. The session will include interactive audience engagement, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences related to similar campus development initiatives. Key topics will include background and research methods, insights from data on workforce demand in culinary and hospitality, community partnerships, and practical steps for integrating data into decision-making. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how data can inform decisions and foster collaboration to align campus offerings with industry demands.
Speaker(s): Amy Kempe Gregory Lapointe Jason CohenLocation: 104A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Beyond Completion: Building Bridges to Economic Mobility
In its sixth year of a pilot program, SUNY Ulster, a community college within the State University of New York system, is focused on supporting adult students who face significant family responsibilities and high financial needs. The program aims to eliminate financial barriers that hinder these students' access to education and employment by utilizing private and state grant funds. This presentation will focus on adult learners pursuing direct-to-workforce educational programs, particularly those struggling with financial insecurity and family obligations. Attendees will learn about SUNY Ulster’s strategies for addressing these challenges and discover best practices that other colleges can adopt. The presentation will provide resources from the SUNY Ulster program, including an outline of the coaching model, examples of educational pathways, and strategies for engaging students. While the coaching model used is research-based and licensed by SUNY Ulster, it will be presented as an example rather than an endorsement of the specific model. Participants will leave with actionable insights for enhancing support for adult learners on their campuses.
Speaker(s): Christopher Marx Arie Drewes Anayeli Contreras-PachecoLocation: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 107, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Beyond the Reef: Lessons Learned from an Indigenization Voyage
Leeward Community College, which serves the most indigenous Native Hawaiian students in the University of Hawaii Community College (UHCC) System, faces challenges with lower persistence and graduation rates among these students than other ethnic groups. Research shows Native Hawaiian students value strong connections to their college and cultural heritage. In 2019, recognizing a significant gap in cultural and land-based education over the past three decades, Leeward’s Innovation Center for Teaching and Learning collaborated with Native Hawaiian faculty to co-create the first professional development program focused on Native Hawaiian culture for faculty and staff. The program's success led to securing a $2.5 million Title III grant, facilitating enhanced professional development, cultural mentorship, the integration of Open Educational Resources (OER), and targeted student support. This discussion will detail our institution's journey, emphasizing our mookuauhau (genealogy) in the context of indigenization, and will include facilitated discussions, small group interactions, Q&A sessions, and giveaways. Participants will also receive a guide for implementing strategies to foster a sense of place and belonging for marginalized student populations at their institutions.
Speaker(s): Erin Thompson Moana Makaimoku Keala ChockLocation: 106C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 106C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Building Seamless Transfer Pathways Through a Consortium in Tulsa
This fireside chat will delve into Tulsa Community College's (TCC) collaboration with the Tulsa Higher Education Consortium (THE Consortium) to address challenges faced by transfer students. Given that Tulsa lacks a public four-year university but offers various higher education options through nine institutions, including a community college and private universities, the discussion will focus on TCC's efforts to enhance transfer pathways and the role of THEC in supporting these transitions. Attendees will learn about practical strategies for building partnerships, improving student support services, and aligning academic programs between faculty to ensure smooth transfers. Audience interaction will be encouraged throughout the session, which is aimed at anyone involved in student success, transfer services, and institutional partnerships. Using a case study approach, the presentation will outline methods used by TCC and THEC, progressing from identifying transfer challenges to discussing partnership-building efforts and offering actionable recommendations for improving transfer pathways.
Speaker(s): Kristopher Copeland Angela Sivadon Laura LattaLocation: 102A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 102A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Changemaker Education: Holistically Engaging Students & Community
Recognized as a Changemaker Campus by Ashoka U in 2016, Miami Dade College (MDC) has made significant strides to integrate its vision and action plan for advancing changemaker education. This fireside chat will provide insights into MDC’s intentional implementation of this transformative model of teaching and learning. Participants will explore what changemaker education entails and understand its importance for enhancing the student experience and the community’s overall well-being. By fostering a changemaker mindset, MDC has created an ecosystem aligning efforts to strengthen and serve students and their surrounding communities. Attendees will learn how MDC has developed and implemented this initiative through widespread creativity and collaboration.
Speaker(s): Jaime Anzalotta Sandra Louk LaFleur John FrazierLocation: 104C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Community College Funding: State Models by Enrollment Group
Community college enrollment has experienced a decade-long enrollment decline. Still, post-pandemic, it has stabilized due to an increase in dual enrollment, with a reported 13 percent rise, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Spring 2023 report. By Spring 2023, overall enrollment was down only 0.2%, but non-degree programs grew by 4.8%. This trend significantly impacts community college budgets as institutions strive to meet diverse student needs. Understanding budget sustainability requires insight into state-specific funding models, which vary based on Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) and enrollment status. Despite stable or growing enrollment figures, many community college budgets struggle to keep pace with these changes. The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) and the Student Success Through Applied Research (STAR) Lab collaborated on an exploratory analysis to examine how states fund various student enrollment groups, identifying funding types and relevant policies. Join the fireside chat for further discussion on this critical issue.
Speaker(s): Steve Jurch Michael Cioce Joel WelchLocation: 104A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
CPL: A Catalyst for Change
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is increasingly recognized as an effective strategy for validating the knowledge and skills individuals gain through various experiences. This fireside chat will focus on the practical implementation of CPL programs in community colleges, examining the challenges and successes and the potential benefits for students, faculty, and the wider community. Experienced educators and administrators from community colleges will share their insights and real-world examples of CPL initiatives. The discussion will address the impact of CPL programs, innovative approaches, student success stories, faculty development, partnerships with employers, and emerging trends in this area. Through these initiatives, participants will gain valuable perspectives on enhancing CPL practices and supporting student learning and achievement.
Speaker(s): Ellen Osterkamp Cory MinerLocation: 104B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Creating a Career Ready Ecosystem for Student Success
This session will highlight the intentional and comprehensive efforts of Miami Dade College’s Wolfson Campus to instill the necessary dispositions and skills for career success. Serving nearly 30,000 students annually and located in the heart of Miami, the campus has effectively utilized the NACE Career Readiness Competencies, informed by research on the skills most employers value. Attendees will learn how Wolfson Campus has integrated these competencies with faculty, staff, students, and employer partners to create an ecosystem that fosters student success and benefits the wider community. The conversation will invite audience engagement, encouraging participants to share their experiences with diverse student populations related to school-to-work transitions. They'll also be able to discuss strengths and gaps in career readiness at their institutions, facilitating a collaborative exchange of ideas and practices.
Speaker(s): Beatriz Gonzalez Matthew Brink Sean O'KeefeLocation: 103C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
DCC’s Ace the Prez Pup - Character, Literacy Project & Book Tour
Discover Danville Community College's exciting elementary literacy project featuring the children's book "Ace the Mighty Conquers Knight School," which follows the journey of Ace the Prez Pup. This book has significantly impacted local elementary schools by delivering powerful messages of grit, perseverance, and determination to students in grades 1 through 5. Join us to experience the full elementary book tour program and learn more about this innovative outreach initiative that aims to inspire young readers and promote literacy in the community.
Speaker(s): Jerry Wallace Cornelius JohnsonLocation: 106C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 106C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Empowering AI Education: Mentorship, Training, and Resources
The National Applied AI Consortium equips community colleges with the mentorship, professional development, and resources needed to train the AI workforce. This session will highlight how the Consortium assists colleges in creating ethical, technician-level AI courses, certificates, and degrees while providing faculty with the necessary professional development to teach these courses effectively. Participants will learn about the Community of Practice, designed to encourage collaboration among educators and access to a comprehensive repository of AI content. Join us to discover how these initiatives can empower your institution to prepare students for careers in AI and establish leadership in applied AI education.
Speaker(s): Antonio Delgado Samir Saber Meha TrivediLocation: 103A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Enhancing Student Success while Transforming institutional Support
Austin Community College (ACC) serves tens of thousands of students in central Texas, many facing financial, food, and housing insecurity. In 2017, ACC partnered with InsideTrack to enhance student retention and completion, aiming to improve economic and social mobility. Initially, coaches worked one-on-one with 125 students, offering success coaching and conducting in-depth assessments to understand the student experience and identify areas for improvement. Concurrently, student affairs staff received training to integrate coaching techniques into their advising, while other advisors underwent advanced training to prepare new hires as coaches, ensuring sustainability despite turnover. The insights gained during the initial two-year pilot led to a cultural shift, first in student support services and eventually across the entire institution, fostering a consistent vocabulary around student success among staff, faculty, and administrators at 11 campuses. This fireside chat will share valuable information for colleges looking to replicate this successful model.
Speaker(s): Guillermo Martinez Ruth Reinhart Roberto MontoyaLocation: 104A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Equity-minded change leadership approach to Guided Pathways reform
Guided Pathways is an institutional change model to improve student outcomes and close achievement gaps in community colleges through restructuring college degree programs and student support services. In 2015, Skagit Valley College (SVC) initiated a focused effort to enhance low student success rates by transforming its structure and culture, adopting an equity-focused Guided Pathways approach for systemic change. This model significantly improved student outcomes, clearer degree pathways, enhanced advising processes, and better teaching and learning methods. Essential to this successful implementation were two key constructs: understanding change and student success through an equity lens and addressing the stress related to organizational change. SVC employed an Equity Minded Change Leadership approach to facilitate the technical changes and the cultural shifts necessary for a successful paradigm transformation. This session will provide a platform for discussing change management challenges at technical, socio-cultural, and social justice levels. Key themes include adaptive leadership, equity-mindedness, collaborative building and implementation of change models, cultural challenges, and enhancing institutional leadership capacity for sustainable change. Facilitators will share their experiences, including lessons learned during the Guided Pathways reform at SVC, making this session valuable for new and experienced change leaders.
Speaker(s): Gabriel Mast Gretchen Robertson Kristen HoffbuhrLocation: 106A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 106A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Expanding Business Partnerships through Data-Driven Collaboration
The power of partnerships between employers and educational institutions cannot be understated. With business and industry support colleges can provide robust career exploration opportunities, support industry-informed skill development, foster institutional advancement, and ultimately improve employment outcomes. To grow and expand these relationships, colleges must first understand who they are working with and the scope of partnership activities. Without this information, any targeted outreach presents coordination and communication challenges. To address this challenge, in the Spring of 2022, KCTCS launched an employer asset map effort to track partnerships across the system. The goal of the project was to provide a high-level holistic view of how companies are working with the system’s 16 colleges. In experiencing the difficulty in maintaining these engagement records and noticing significant overlap in partnership activities across student services, academics, workforce development, and advancement, all 16 colleges established “External Engagement Teams.” Since implementing Asset Mapping and Engagement Teams, KCTCS has identified more than 3,000 transformational partnerships and identified significant growth opportunities. Teams at the colleges and at the system office have adopted a unified business service approach to conducting partnership outreach, assessment and intake, and maintenance. In this fireside chat discussion, you will hear from a system VP, a college President, and a college Provost. Presenters will discuss how they are fostering cultural change across the Kentucky Community and Technical College System to prioritize transformational public-private partnerships. They will provide a background on the project’s inception, address barriers they have experienced, and inform attendees on the real-time return on investment they are experiencing as a result of adopting a strategic business partnership model.
Speaker(s): Jessie Schook Scott Williams Sid HillLocation: 104B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Expanding Horizons: Benefits of Continuing Education for Colleges
This fireside chat will explore how Continuing Education (CE) at Miami Dade College goes beyond traditional learning, fostering institutional innovation, collaboration, and growth. Key stakeholders will share their insights on how CE builds partnerships between academic departments and workforce initiatives, enhances student success, and reinforces the college’s commitment to community service. The session will feature real-world examples illustrating effective methods for aligning CE with academic and workforce goals. Participants will engage in open dialogue, gaining practical recommendations for leveraging CE to create a vibrant educational ecosystem that benefits faculty, students, and industry partners.
Speaker(s): Enrique Infanzon Fermin Vazquez Manuel PerezLocation: 105A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 105A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Experiences Developing Ai/Emerging Technology Programs
This session will be a fireside chat focused on the development of an employer-driven Artificial Intelligence programs . Attendees will learn how to create their own employer-driven programs in emerging technologies. Both Miami Dade College and Harper College have created new Applied Artificial Intelligence Programs using the Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) high-employer engagement model that both builds strong relationships with employers and aligns new (or existing) college programs with future employer demand for highly employable workforce-ready future graduates. The discussion will address successes and challenges each college encountered during program development.
Speaker(s): Ann Beheler Antonio Delgado Susanne BrockLocation: 103C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Fostering Police Cultural Competence to Serve Diverse Communities
This fireside chat will explore recent research on preparing new police officers to effectively engage with diverse communities, drawing on insights from a multi-case study conducted in Arizona and California. The discussion will highlight the importance of cultural competence education and training in community colleges and police academies, which is essential for officers to build trust and legitimacy while effectively communicating across cultures. Participants will learn about actionable recommendations to enhance cultural competence training in police academies, addressing the challenges posed by demographic shifts and public scrutiny in policing today.
Speaker(s): Margaretta Mathis Steven Gonzales Neil LingleLocation: 105B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 105B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
From Barriers to Bridges: Transforming Math for Student Success
This presentation will introduce a seven-step approach to building a collaborative mindset among key stakeholders such as academic affairs, enrollment management, and student success, focusing on a college-wide math redesign that affected all academic divisions at a community college. Participants will hear insights from a cabinet-level administrator, a college administrator, and an educational consulting partner, each sharing their roles in the redesign's success. The session will outline the implementation process, discuss key factors and challenges, and culminate in an open Q&A for audience engagement. A few visual slides will illustrate the change process and placement methods used before and after the redesign, offering valuable insights and practical guidance for managers and executives considering similar initiatives.
Speaker(s): Michael Cioce Taziah Kenney Kathleen AlmyLocation: 104D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
How Community Colleges Can Help Scale U.S. Apprenticeships
This session will examine community colleges' vital role in expanding apprenticeship programs, drawing on insights from the report "How Community Colleges Can Help Scale U.S. Apprenticeships." A panel of leaders from community colleges featured in the report will share their experiences in developing and scaling these programs. Attendees will understand how community colleges can address workforce needs and skills gaps in the U.S. economy, recognize their unique position as essential partners in apprenticeship development, and appreciate the importance of employer-college partnerships for successful implementation. Ultimately, participants will leave believing in the significant potential of community colleges to enhance economic opportunity and workforce development through apprenticeships.
Speaker(s): John Colborn Jeffery PallinLocation: 105A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 105A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
How to improve African American male enrollment & success
In the Fall of 2021, Malcolm X College discovered that its overall retention rate was 72%, with African American male students retained at only 57%. In response, the college established the African American Male Mentoring Program (IAAM), pairing 20 faculty, staff, and administrators with 40 students for mentorship throughout the semester. This initiative resulted in a remarkable retention rate of 93% among participants. Furthermore, the college secured a $1M congressional earmark to fund a Study Abroad Program for IAAM students and to enhance diversity among EMT/Paramedic graduates in the Chicago Fire Department. The upcoming Fireside Chat will discuss the motivation and framework behind the mentoring program, covering aspects such as program design, academic development, policy management, travel logistics, and mental preparedness for participants.
Speaker(s): David Sanders Christina Lattner Charles BrownLocation: 103A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Implementing Holistic Admissions for Health Sciences Programs
This Fireside Chat will address the culturally biased nature of several standard admissions methods in health sciences and the advantages of holistic admissions, which enable candidates to demonstrate their potential beyond academic qualifications. The panel will explore traditional practices for implementing multiple mini-interviews and situational judgment tests that assess non-academic attributes important in healthcare. Additionally, the discussion will highlight the benefits of standardized video interviews over written narratives. The moderator will facilitate audience engagement by inviting questions and providing supplemental prompts. While the session will review statistical methods for evaluating holistic admissions metrics, its primary goal is to introduce the audience to transformative admissions practices in competitive health science programs that can be applied in community colleges.
Speaker(s): Robert Pettitt Cher Knupp Mindy BatemanLocation: 102B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 102B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Increasing Adult Learner Success via Professional Staff Training
Many states have established educational attainment goals to align a skilled workforce with industry needs, mainly focusing on adults with some college experience but no degree, who often face challenges such as debt despite progressing toward completion. The NC Reconnect project, initiated four years ago with a small cohort of five colleges, has expanded to 20 community colleges across North Carolina, engaging over 42,000 learners and enrolling more than 2,500, resulting in a combined $2.9M return on investment in additional tuition revenue for the first term. This project has provided valuable insights into effectively supporting and retaining adult learners, leading to transformative changes at Forsyth Tech and Durham Tech Community Colleges through enhanced professional development for staff and improved internal processes for connecting with adult learners. Ultimately, this initiative has equipped colleges with tools to serve their learners better while enhancing college culture and staff satisfaction.
Speaker(s): Paula Dibley Abraham Dones Mike KrauseLocation: 106C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 106C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Leading Beyond the Ivory Tower: Bridging Academia and Community
This presentation, led by the President and Chief of Staff of Itawamba Community College, will examine the innovative leadership strategies necessary for higher education institutions amidst rapid societal changes and increasing demands. It emphasizes the importance of building strong connections with the broader community and creating lasting internal and external partnerships. As community colleges serve as vital anchors in their regions, the session will explore how they can effectively address local workforce needs, promote social mobility, and encourage civic engagement through collaborative and strategic initiatives. Attendees will leave with actionable strategies for redefining leadership in higher education, helping their institutions to evolve from traditional academic models into active catalysts for regional development and community transformation.
Speaker(s): Tyler Camp Jay AllenLocation: 109, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 109, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Let the Rhythm Move you Through Doctoral Dialogues
This informal community college support program showcases a straightforward solution to enhancing enrollment, persistence, and completion rates for doctoral programs among community college professionals. The session will highlight how Rock Valley College successfully encouraged its staff to pursue postgraduate degrees, sharing practical strategies for implementing the support program, creating a succession planning pipeline, and fostering institutional and personal commitment to professional development. Attendees will discover how a simple brown bag lunch concept evolved into a sustainable, campus-wide initiative that inspires professionals across various areas of the institution to advance their academic qualifications through doctoral studies.
Speaker(s): Howard Spearman Terrica HuntleyLocation: 106B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 106B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Leveraging Corporate Partnerships Before and After a Campaign
In October 2023, the Community College of Allegheny County completed the Pioneering Pittsburgh’s New Workforce Campaign, surpassing its original $65 million goal by raising $90 million, with nearly 20% of contributions coming from corporate partners, including several significant 6- and 7-figure donations. The college president and foundation CEO collaborated to leverage established corporate relationships within and outside the institution, enhancing engagement with a broader array of Pittsburgh’s industry leaders. Following the campaign, the college has initiated two additional $1 million corporate partnerships. This session will provide strategic insights into what corporate partners seek in exchange for their philanthropic investments, practical strategies for establishing meaningful relationships, and how to ensure that programs are efficiently managed throughout the institution.
Speaker(s): Jamie McMahon Quintin BullockLocation: 103B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Maximizing the First 100 Days in a Leadership Position
The first 100 days in a leadership position can be both challenging and full of opportunities, and this conversation aims to equip community college executives with valuable insights for navigating this crucial period. Featuring college presidents from large, medium, and small campus environments, the session will highlight their experiences and lessons learned during the initial days of their presidencies. Participants will receive practical advice and tips tailored for new presidents, vice presidents, and others embarking on leadership roles at community colleges, helping them to successfully establish their presence and initiate impactful changes from the outset.
Speaker(s): Bryan Newton Monica Brown Marcus GarsteckiLocation: 106A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 106A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Microcredentials Empowering Learners & Communities
Microcredentials offer significant benefits to the learners served by community colleges by recognizing knowledge, skills, and abilities that extend beyond traditional degrees. This session will feature influential college presidents discussing their adoption of microcredentials and the rationale behind this shift. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how these innovative credentials are transforming education and creating new opportunities for learners, along with inspiring success stories that highlight the potential of microcredentials to empower individuals and foster community development. Designed for institutions at the initial stages of defining their strategic approach to microcredentials, this conversation will also include a Q&A session to address specific questions and challenges.
Speaker(s): Marielena DeSanctis Kate Smith Kelly HoylandLocation: 106A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 106A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Mobile Learning: Meeting Employer Need & Reducing Student Barriers
With the increasing need for highly skilled workers, industry leaders must access "just-in-time" technical and professional training. In New York's Capital Region, characterized by a poly-centric development model with key cities spaced significantly apart, rural areas face a considerable equity gap due to limited transportation options. This raises costs for employers who must transport employees to distant training programs and leads to lost productivity. To address these challenges, SUNY Schenectady has acquired two STEAAM Mobile Training Labs, aligning with the college’s mission to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, enhance the student experience, build organizational effectiveness, and ensure financial sustainability. By bringing educational opportunities directly to industry, these mobile labs effectively meet the needs of employers while reducing barriers for students, thus fostering a more equitable workforce development approach.
Speaker(s): Sarah Wilson-Sparrow Lauren Lankau Matthew MaloyLocation: 105A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 105A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
401503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Navigating the Great Upheaval: The Rise of Online Learning & AI
This fireside chat will delve into the significant transformations occurring in community colleges due to technological advancements and societal shifts. As traditional educational models face disruption, the roles of online learning and artificial intelligence are redefining access, engagement, and student success. We will explore how Northern Virginia Community College is leveraging AI to deliver adaptable, inclusive, and workforce-aligned education that aligns with the demands of an evolving job market. The discussion will focus on strategies for integrating AI into online learning and student services to foster flexible and personalized learning environments that ensure equitable access. Attendees will gain valuable insights into building resilient institutions that can effectively navigate rapid changes by embracing technology as a vital catalyst for a future-ready, student-centered educational approach.
Speaker(s): Eun-Woo Chang Cynthia PascalLocation: 105B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 105B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Powerful Partnerships: Faculty & Counselors Driving Success in CBE
In competency-based education (CBE), collaboration between faculty and program counselors is vital for student success, and this session will explore strategies to enhance these partnerships through proactive communication, shared goals, and individualized support. Participants will learn best practices for leveraging faculty-counselor collaboration to improve CBE programs' engagement, retention, and achievement. Institutions can support students more effectively by fostering open communication and creating structured opportunities for regular interaction, such as joint meetings and shared student tracking tools. Additionally, implementing early intervention systems will allow faculty and counselors to identify and assist struggling students collaboratively. Ultimately, the session encourages a team-based approach to student success, ensuring faculty and counselors provide personalized, holistic support for every learner in CBE programs.
Speaker(s): Paul Carlsen Nancy Carman Choua LeeLocation: 103A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Redefining Success: The Richmond Fed Survey of CC Outcomes
Community colleges and researchers have faced challenges due to a lack of data on student outcomes and success rates, as traditional measures from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) do not accurately represent the diverse student population of these institutions, leading to lower reported graduation, transfer, and retention rates. To address this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond partnered with community college leaders in the Fifth Federal Reserve District to develop a survey that collects explicitly relevant data and calculates a new success metric that includes a broader cohort of students, such as those who have received degrees, transferred to four-year institutions, or continued enrollment beyond four years, regardless of their status as first-time or full-time students. Following a successful pilot in 2022, the initiative expanded in 2023 and included all five states in the district by 2024. This shows that the new success metric is consistently higher than IPEDS graduation rates, suggesting student success at community colleges is comparable to that at four-year institutions. Additionally, the survey provided insights into non-credit enrollment trends tied to state funding formulas. It highlighted the growing population of high school students enrolled in college courses who demonstrated high success rates. Preliminary 2024 results for students who entered during the 2019-2020 academic year indicated that, despite a dip due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many institutions still achieved success rates exceeding 50%.
Speaker(s): John Rainone Laura UllrichLocation: 104D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Rescuing Hawai‘i’s Agricultural Industry through a Value-Added Ent
Hawai'i’s agricultural sector has faced challenges due to the decline of significant industries like sugarcane and pineapple, leading to a reliance on tourism and military sectors. The pandemic underscored the need for economic diversification, prompting initiatives such as the college’s ‘Aina to Makeke program and the Wahiawa Value-Added Product Development Center, which aim to support local agriculture by assisting students and entrepreneurs in creating new products from off-grade produce. Leeward Community College developed a twelve-week course and a certificate in Agriculture-Based Product Development, empowering participants to transform local agricultural off-grades into value-added products like jams, sausages, jerky, and salsa. Through hands-on workshops, industry insights, and state-of-the-art facilities, the program cultivates critical branding, packaging, and distribution skills, thereby bolstering the “grown and made in Hawai'i” movement while aiding local farmers and promoting regional economic development. Ultimately, this initiative fosters economic resilience, enabling local businesses to scale sustainably and contribute to Hawai'i's future economic diversification.
Speaker(s): Carlos Peñaloza Keala Chock Chris BaileyLocation: 104C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104C, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Staying Fierce Against Cyber Breaches
In this presentation, we confront the pervasive and ongoing battle against cybercrime that affects college networks, where threats like malware, phishing, and denial-of-service attacks lurk daily. These cyber-threats jeopardize system operability, college assets, reputation, and sensitive information. Addressing this urgent issue, the session will cover critical aspects of cybersecurity governance, leadership, and practical defenses, such as vulnerability scans and developing a robust "human firewall." The first 20 minutes will focus on fostering a "Fight Club" mentality towards cybersecurity, encouraging participants to adopt a proactive stance against potential breaches. The following 25 minutes will invite attendees to engage in an interactive discussion, sharing their own experiences and strategies in cybersecurity, thus equipping themselves and their institutions with valuable insights for effectively combating cyber threats.
Speaker(s): Edward DesPlas Roy LytleLocation: 103B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
3E1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
Strength in Storms: Black Women’s Views of Higher Ed Leadership
The tragic deaths of two Black women in college leadership last year highlight the urgent need for safe and supportive environments where Black women can thrive in their roles without facing detrimental outcomes. As preventable maternal death rates for Black women continue to rise compared to their white counterparts, this discussion seeks to address the pressing challenges that Black women encounter in executive positions. Featuring insights from three college presidents, the conversation will explore critical topics such as crisis management, fostering positive campus relations, unionization, and other factors impacting Black women leaders' careers and overall well-being. By sharing experiences and strategies, the session aims to identify actionable steps to create a more equitable and nurturing landscape for Black women in higher education leadership.
Speaker(s): Daria WillisLocation: 102B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 102B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Strengthening Mid-Level Leader Capacity to Advance Student Success
This fireside chat will showcase the Leadership Academy for Student Success, a year-long professional development initiative aimed at mid-level faculty and staff poised for advancement into senior positions. Initially developed in Ohio in 2019 through a collaboration with the Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program and the National Center for Inquiry & Improvement, the program is now being replicated in Michigan, New York, and Texas. The session will begin with polling questions to assess the impact of staff transitions at attendees' colleges and how these changes affect the implementation and sustainability of reforms to improve student outcomes. The discussion will delve into the disruptions caused by critical individuals moving to new roles or institutions, the challenges of replacing skilled personnel, and the loss of institutional memory accompanying such transitions. Furthermore, panelists will explore how the Leadership Academy prepares mid-level college employees to assume greater responsibilities and fill leadership vacancies effectively, thereby enhancing institutional stability and student success.
Speaker(s): Laura Rittner Christy Ponce Chris BaldwinLocation: 106B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 106B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1517:00 001 | MON, APR 14 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Supporting and Implementing Microcredentials in the Wild West
Discover how the Maricopa County Community Colleges District has implemented a forward-thinking strategy to develop system-wide governance, infrastructure, policies, and procedures to support microcredentials across college, system, and state levels. In alignment with the District’s strategic plan, a task force was established to create the necessary infrastructure, governance, and learner recognition models that integrate credentialing and alternative education. A proof of concept was developed to inform the Credentialing and Alternative Education (CAE) initiative, focusing on establishing microcredential pathways aligned with advanced manufacturing, information technology, and 21st-century workforce skills. As the scope of microcredentials at Maricopa Community Colleges has expanded, new opportunities to create state-wide microcredentials in healthcare have emerged, collaborating across six community college districts. This panel will share insights and experiences from various stakeholders involved in developing a strategic and proactive microcredentialing program that also serves as a foundation for alternative credential initiatives.
Speaker(s): Lisa Young Jason Weinstein Rochelle RivasLocation: 102A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 102A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Survival of the Fittest: Aligning Vision and Values for Success
According to the American Council on Education, the average tenure for community college presidents is 5.5 years, with a median of 4.1 years, highlighting the leadership challenges in these institutions. Common reasons for departures include conflicts with boards, compensation issues, difficulties with stakeholder groups, and navigating a polarized political landscape, which can discourage individuals from pursuing these vital roles. During this fireside chat, attendees will learn from the early successes of the Cuyahoga Community College District CEO, who has effectively led a transformational strategy focused on maximizing education for social impact. The session aims to provide insights into the strategic considerations for selecting future executive-level positions in higher education. Participants will also be able to take a community college presidency fitness assessment and engage in a brief Q&A segment to discuss their scores and insights gained from the evaluation.
Speaker(s): Todd Kitchen Michael BastonLocation: 102B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 102B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM CDT
The Power of We: Navigating Tidal Waves within Leadership
This session will delve into the experiences of minority leaders as they navigate the challenges of leadership, career advancement, and cultural expectations, highlighting the critical role of developing robust support networks. Speakers will share their journeys, illustrating how mentorship, sponsorship, and peer support are vital in overcoming obstacles such as imposter syndrome, feelings of isolation, and familial obligations. The conversation will focus on the real-world challenges minority leaders face and how cultivating meaningful support systems can help them successfully navigate these barriers. Attendees will gain key insights into building and sustaining strong relationships in leadership roles, fostering a sense of community that empowers leaders to thrive in their professional environments.
Speaker(s): Juliane Roybal Erica Reyes Kelly FletesLocation: 104D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 104D, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041409:0009:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
441503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM CDT
Universal Basic Employment Pilot - The Power of Partnership
Universal Basic Employment (UBE) is a public policy initiative demonstrating how a federal job guarantee can effectively eliminate poverty and address its various symptoms. The program subsidizes salaries of $50,000 for 36 months for 100 under- and unemployed individuals in Cleveland, showcasing that a job guarantee policy is a valuable investment in people, communities, and businesses. Many workers and learners face significant educational debts from times when pursuing education may not have been ideal for them. This session will highlight how Cuyahoga Community College supports each pilot participant throughout their academic journey, ensuring they receive the necessary credentials to sustain their salaries by the end of the pilot program. Attendees will learn about the tailored approaches used to meet participants where they are and the impact of this initiative on fostering economic stability and educational advancement.
Speaker(s): India Pierce Lee Jessica Columbi Devin CottenLocation: 103B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 103B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CB3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
4:15 PM - 4:45 PM CDT
A Win-Win Corporate College Partnership
In 2019, Howard Community College (HCC) and AT&T established a strategic partnership to address a critical workforce challenge: recruiting and retaining skilled employees for a significant federal infrastructure contract requiring top-secret security clearances. This collaboration led to the launch of the AT&T Catapult Apprenticeship Program, which provides cybersecurity students with hands-on experience and a pathway to obtaining these clearances. Since its inception, the program has attracted 458 applicants, resulting in 85 hires, with 26 apprentices having secured their security clearances while others are currently in the clearance process. This innovative registered apprenticeship program has garnered national recognition. In this presentation, attendees will gain insights from representatives of HCC and AT&T on how the partnership was formed and evolved, along with valuable lessons learned and recommendations for developing similar programs in other institutions. Participants will acquire a comprehensive understanding of building sustainable educational and employer partnerships that effectively address workforce needs.
Speaker(s): Minah Woo Brenda AndersonLocation: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041416:1516:45 001 | MON, APR 14 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
Accelerated Learning: A New Pathway Paradigm for Community College
West Hills Community College District (WHCCD), a small rural district in California's Central Valley, has embarked on an innovative journey to transform its academic calendar by focusing on short-term, accelerated courses starting in the 2022-23 school year. This presentation will provide an inspiring overview of the steps to implement shorter course lengths and flexible scheduling options designed to enhance student success and completion rates at Lemoore College and Coalinga College. The presenters will share their experiences, including the challenges encountered during this transition and the strategies to overcome them. Attendees will receive a comprehensive overview of the implementation journey, beginning with initial data gathering and analysis, exploring various alternative calendar options, and concluding with current implementation strategies and the next steps in this ongoing process. This discussion inspires other institutions to consider similar changes to improve their educational offerings.
Speaker(s): Kyle Crider Luca LewisLocation: 202B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 202B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041514:3015:00 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM CDT
Advising with Precision: FSCJ’s Differentiated Care Model
Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ) employs an assigned advisor and a differentiated care model to foster strong advisor-student relationships while tailoring interventions to meet individual student needs. This approach establishes a baseline level of outreach and support for all students and allows advisors to customize their strategies, ensuring that those at the highest risk of attrition receive focused attention while students needing less intensive support continue to benefit from regular engagement. By aligning outreach efforts with the specific needs of students, FSCJ optimizes advising capacity, strategically allocating resources to assist those facing more complex challenges while maintaining foundational support for the entire student body. The differentiated care initiative outlines how many touchpoints advisors should initiate with students based on their assigned "support level," thereby enhancing student success and retention.
Speaker(s): Jennifer Hanna Tara ZirkelLocation: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 205A, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041508:4509:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
3C1503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D33B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
An Innovative Student Housing Model for Student Parents
In December 2023, the Louise C. Stokes Scholar House opened near Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C)’s Metropolitan Campus, specifically designed to meet the diverse needs of parenting students. This facility offers affordable 2- and 3-bedroom housing, on-site daycare, and comprehensive support services. This session will take participants through the journey of Scholar House, from its inspiring conception to its establishment as a vibrant, supportive environment for students and their families. Attendees will learn how this innovative housing model promotes academic success by leveraging strategic partnerships and implementing a holistic support system that addresses parenting students' unique challenges.
Speaker(s): Denise McCory Kate CardenLocation: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 203B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041410:0010:30 001 | MON, APR 14 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025 |
Tuesday, Apr 15, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM CDT
Apprenticeship Degree Program
This presentation will focus on the impactful collaboration between apprenticeships and community colleges, emphasizing how this partnership provides college credit and facilitates a transferable degree for skills acquired while earning the rank of Journeyperson. We will demonstrate the model's effectiveness in enhancing workforce readiness and adaptability within correctional facility environments, offering meaningful educational opportunities for incarcerated individuals. Real-life examples of apprentices who have successfully obtained both a college degree and Journeyperson certification will be shared, highlighting the program's success in merging academic learning with practical experience. Additionally, narratives from students and families who initially faced a dilemma between pursuing college or skilled trades will illustrate how this program effectively addresses their needs. Supported by validated statistics, we will discuss the positive outcomes of increased job placement rates, higher wages, and enhanced career advancement opportunities for those who complete both apprenticeships and degrees. This underscores how the program provides a viable pathway that balances educational and career aspirations for parents and other participants.
Speaker(s): Michelle RuderLocation: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
Location: 201B, MUSIC CITY CENTER |
2025041508:4509:15 001 | TUE, APR 15 |
421503F0-7765-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CD3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A CF3B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A D13B5E3D-1966-EF11-80FD-D6464C93A56A |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025 |
Monday, Apr 14, 2025
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Believe: Guiding Faculty to Administrative Roles
This presentation will explore the challenges and successes community college faculty face when transitioning into administrative roles. It will examine the need for robust succession planning, highlight the importance of mentorship and support networks, and offer practical strategies for bridging the divide between faculty and administration. This presentation will focus on practical strategies and insights applicable to community college leaders at the managerial and executive levels who are responsible for supporting faculty development and succession planning.
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